The shipping information provided by the reseller.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AddressId | string | The ID references the resellers address in Ingram Micro's system for shipping. Provided to resellers during the onboarding process. | [optional] |
CompanyName | string | The reseller's company name or the End-User's Name | [optional] |
AddressLine1 | string | The street address and building or house number the order will be shipped to. | [optional] |
AddressLine2 | string | The apartment number the order will be shipped to. | [optional] |
City | string | The city the order will be shipped to. | [optional] |
State | string | The state the order will be shipped to. | [optional] |
PostalCode | string | The zip or postal code the order will be shipped to. | [optional] |
CountryCode | string | The two-character ISO country code the order will be shipped to. | [optional] |