Thank you for considering contributing to NextTalk frontend! We welcome all contributions that improve the application.
- Report a bug
- Request a new feature
- Improve documentation
- Write tests
- Submit a code fix or feature implementation
To get started, follow the steps outlined in the installation section of the README file.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
If you find a bug, please raise an issue with the following details:
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Operating system and browser used
If you have an idea for a new feature, please raise an issue with the following details:
- Description of the feature
- Use case for the feature
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch for your changes
- Make your changes and commit them with a clear message
- Push your changes to your fork
- Create a pull request with a clear message
- Wait for the pull request to be reviewed and merged
- Celebrate! 🎉