Open any molecule and click Preview.
- In Chimera Command Line:
open 1F8N
. - Select duplicated HIS atoms nearby metal center and delete them with
del sel
. - Select Geometry=Octahedron
- Click Run.
- In Chimera Command Line:
open 1VRH
. - In Chimera Command Line:
sel :SD8 < 5
- Switch to Selection tab and click Run. (It will take around 2 minutes).
- In Chimera Command Line:
open 1ZE9
. - Select ProDy.
- Delete all but first NMR model:
del ~#0.1
. - Click Run.
Open 3pk2 and click Run.
open 1RFO
del ~#0.1
- Choose POP/POPS files from ~/.local/insilichem/tangram/popmusicgui/examples
Open 1YFU and click Run.