Releases: instill-ai/console
Releases · instill-ai/console
@instill-ai/eslint-config-cortex: v0.5.1
@instill-ai/design-tokens: v0.3.3
@instill-ai/design-system: v0.55.8
0.30.0-alpha (2023-10-13)
- general: User can better identify the process is still running when doing actions (#592) (638cc23)
- pipeline-builder: Adapt new component input structure (#590) (0e15855)
- pipeline-builder: Make the array fields on start node start with only one field (#594) (53f1b9e)
- pipeline-builder: User can create the copy of their pipeline with one click (#584) (060cb6b)
- pipeline-builder: User can have autoresize input when edit node and pipeline name (#585) (07cd7aa)
- pipeline-builder: User can better differentiate the resource name and the component name (#953) (4e21a13)
- pipeline-builder: User can have cleaner canvas by introducing smooth-edge edges (#958) (780ee01)
- pipeline-builder: user can have consistent node width between TEST_VIEW and BUILD_VIEW (#957) (82f2a04)
- pipeline-builder: user can better identify nested output on component (#954) (f1c6b38)
Bug Fixes
- cicd: fix GitHub action labeler issue (#591) (9be1110)
- pipeline-builder: fix a bug when create fields on the end operator will wrongly use the key from the previous edited field (#593) (e7ed100)
- pipeline-builder: fix path issue when get input/output schema for data connector (#589) (e77c459)
- pipeline-builder: fix rename pipeline issue when there has unsaved changes (#588) (e5688d5)
- pipeline-builder: fix start operator wrongly delete input when you edit without saving then create a new field (#586) (dda2435)
- general: fix the wrong onboarding greeting title (#582) (ab31c07)
- pipeline-builder: fix data connector can't correctly display the free-form's value (#962) (5625723)
- pipeline-builder: fix data connector can't have multiple free-form fields (#960) (64d48df)
- pipeline-builder: fix a bug when trigger pipeline, we wrongly parsed string value to number (#955) (be87383)
- pipeline-builder: fix console doesn't correctly handle boolean value on pipeline builder (#961) (2e4159a)
0.29.0-alpha (2023-09-30)
We are supporting simple auth
- auth: support simple login and logout in core (#556) (8bffdae)
- auth: Unauthenticated user will be block by our auth-guard (#555) (47eaac7)
Template Engine to speed up your development
- pipeline-builder: User can have a centralize place to view all the templates (79f5c77)
- pipeline-builder: User can view staff pick templates on pipeline list page (#561) (cd35a1c)
- pipeline-builder: User can initialize pipeline with our templates to speed up the process (instill-ai/cortex@ca18898)
Share your pipeline to shine
- pipeline-builder: user can share their private pipeline with sharing a unique link (#565) (21d8d98)
- pipeline-builder: User can toggle their pipelines permission level (#564) (b0dc47b)
- pipeline-builder: Non owner user can view public pipeline or pipeline that is shared by link (instill-ai/cortex@5d21b8f)
- pipeline-builder User can clone other users shared pipelines (instill-ai/cortex@15661ba)
Version control your pipeline
- pipeline-builder: User can release their saved pipeline for new version (instill-ai/cortex@e6245f0)
- pipeline-builder: User can view different release versions in pipeline-builder (instill-ai/cortex@4cd1817)
User experience improvement
- pipeline-builder: User can directly view the pipeline's recipe on the builder (instill-ai/cortex@cc0c20b)
- pipeline-builder: User can now have a centralize control panel to copy, delete and configure node (#560) (08dd9c7)
- pipeline-builder: User will have 1.5x wider node under normal mode and 2.0 wider node under test mode (#557) (24a29c5)
- pipeline-builder: When user delete the whole name of pipeline, we will recover it back to previous name on blur or enter (#558) (dc55909)
- pipeline-builder: User can have node with uncreated resource on pipeline builder (instill-ai/cortex@52e4b60)
- support namespace in URL, recipe display and add contribution guideline (#553) (5d91e0b)
- pipeline-builder: User can better identify his configuration on pipeline builder right panel is finished (instill-ai/cortex@e0f3507)
- pipeline-builder: User can better identify how to fill in instill model component configuration (instill-ai/cortex@a53253a)
- pipeline-builder: User can have more templates to have better guidance (instill-ai/cortex@6d72477)
- pipeline-builder User can have pre-formatted text field to better visualize output (instill-ai/cortex@8ede695)
- pipeline-builder: User can better identify his configuration on pipeline builder right panel is finished (instill-ai/cortex@676896a)
- pipeline-builder: User wont get confused by handler if there has no edge on it (instill-ai/cortex@2a809bc)
Bug fixes
- Fix a bug that delete resource/pipeline dialog is too wide (instill-ai/cortex@570a4d1)
- Fix editing pipeline name when pipeline is new will cause unexpected behavior (instill-ai/cortex@864ea22)
- Fix the wrong pipeline trigger snippet (instill-ai/cortex@a21dd80)
- model-hub: fix model namespace is wrong in instill-core's /models/<model_id> page (#571) (dc64460)
0.28.0-alpha (2023-09-22)
- adapt component centric design's pipeline builder (#539) (c4c05be)
- add /resources/rid page (#537) (1af8bd7)
- add create resource dialog into /resources page (#535) (523933b)
- based on separate metric data into buckets in backend, adopt in the console (#519) (3c19082)
- bump up toolkit version (#534) (85bb2ed)
- revamp pipeline builder to new component-centric-design (#529) (0963842)
- update favicon (#516) (1d97534)
- update how we handle data in trigger mode (#533) (6036774)
- update how we handle triggered trace data (#536) (7c335fb)
- update pipeline trigger snippet (#538) (e32fbe7)
- update pipeline-builder color (#531) (0458984)
- update tables access token props (#522) (a492388)
- update topbar color (#540) (2984474)
- User can create model (currently they cant) (#549) (8e1b89e)
Bug Fixes
0.27.0-alpha (2023-08-03)
- adjust UI for source/destination connector -> data connector (#509) (b34683e)
- new table design dev (#492) (53cf4d6)
Bug Fixes
- bump cortex version to fix disabled field issue (#478) (31bc8ed)
- create AI form update (#510) (458c42a)
- model definition icon (#477) (c2ca096)
- Namananand/ins 1363 pipeline builder render bug (#480) (7b927b3)
- sidebar css fix (#475) (ecc6038)
- bump the toolkit and design-system version (#481) (cea2f28)
- bump version (#514) (3f2c990)
- bump versions (#493) (0b5a0f8)
- bump versions (#513) (d8df2da)
- namananand/ins 1467 small issue for the pipeline component dependency (#512) (dcb7acb)
- support audios node (#511) (d8005a0)
- update toolkit and design-system version (#490) (a4392e7)
0.25.0-alpha (2023-07-09)
- adapt input_only field for AI and Blockchain related form (#444) (8dbc3cc)
- adapt instill-ai new product structure (#429) (b5507d6)
- adapt most-up-to-date cortex (#457) (854d1fb)
- adapt new trigger snippet and pipeline-builder in cortex (#452) (717fc48)
- adapt up-to-date pipeline-builder (#454) (8333e3b)
- add different structure backend workflow (#458) (af417d8)
- connector: implement pages related to blockchain (#434) (bd795a0)
- core: adapt the singular connector endpoint design (#431) (a4e7f84)
- core: implement the ai-connector related pages (#433) (86d130b)
- model-hub: add model-hub page (#432) (ea7eaf1)
- pipeline-builder: add pipeline-builder and adapt the new connector endpoint (#436) (127c59f)
- pipeline-builder: implement disconnect/connect action in the pipeline-builder (#439) (7fa5542)
- pipeline-builder: implement the nested left panel in the pipeline builder (#447) (2cef341)
- pipeline-builder: implement the resource configuration at the pipeline-builder right panel (#437) (8b349e3)
- pipeline-builder: support blockchain in pipeline-builder (#438) (4605209)
- pipeline-builder: support complex DAG in pipeline-builder (#445) (bbc6b57)
- sync pipeline-builder and form with cortex (#455) (63bea00)
- update the control of the pipeline (#442) (a0b5a55)
Bug Fixes
- e2e: fix console e2e test related to model-hub (#440) (a344297)
- fix pipeline deps wrong syntax (#448) (ad09733)
- fix pipeline-builder bugs (#456) (b4a3d02)
- fix wrong connector endpoint (#435) (ed6eb8c)
- pipeline-builder: fix activate pipeline button will always show activate (#449) (3bc62fc)
- pipeline-builder: fix multiple pipeline-builder flow issues related to rename (#443) (df02617)
- toolkit: fix destination logic issue related to http and grpc (#451) (925d5b8)