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File metadata and controls

170 lines (114 loc) · 4.46 KB


Circle CI

A Clojure library designed to store blob files.

The rationale behind is to provide a standard API to store, read and delete blob files, independently of the storage used.

Intended to be a companion for Datomic, given the lack of support for blob files:

When is Datomic not a good fit?

Datomic is not a good fit if you need unlimited write scalability, or have data with a high update churn rate (e.g. counters). And, at present, Datomic does not have support for BLOBs. faq


Supported storages:



Blobs types

We consider a blob one of the following types:

Public Protocol

(ns blob-storage.api)

(defprotocol BlobStorage
  (init-schema! [service]
    "Initializes schema")

  (drop-schema! [service]
    "Drops the schema")

  (store! [service blob] [service blob {:keys [id tag]}]
    "Adds a new blob to the database. `blob` can be a file, a byte array or an input stream.")

  (update! [service id blob]
    "Updates a blob from the database. `blob` can be a file, a byte array or an input stream.")

  (del! [service id]
    "Delete a blob from the database")

  (blob [service id]
    "Retrieves a blob given its id. Returns a map of:
     - :id - the id of the blob (same as the id argument)
     - :tag - user defined tag associated with this blob
     - :size - the size of the blob in bytes
     - :created_at - the date when the blob was created
     - :updated_at - the date when the blob was last updated (if any)
     - :updated_at - the date when the blob was last updated (if any)
     - :blob  - the blob itself (a object)")

  (blob-metadata [service id]
    "Retrieves metadata for a blob given its id (blob not included).
     Returns a map of:
     - :id - the id of the blob (same as the id argument
     - :tag - user defined tag associated with this blob)
     - :size - the size of the blob in bytes
     - :created_at - the date when the blob was created
     - :updated_at - the date when the blob was last updated (if any)"))


Defining a PosgreSQL service for your app:
(def db-uri (or (System/getenv "DATABASE_URL")

(require '[blob-storage.postgres :as p])
(require '[blob-storage.api :as api])

(def service (p/make db-uri))
(api/init-schema! service)
Storing Blobs
(require '[blob-storage.api :as api])

(api/store! service
            (byte-array [(byte 0) (byte 1) (byte 2)]))
;; "d69b8dc8-53f7-4d67-b71a-8cbd4d125e81"
Updating Blobs
(require '[blob-storage.api :as api])

(api/update! service
            (byte-array [(byte 0)]))
;; "d69b8dc8-53f7-4d67-b71a-8cbd4d125e81"
Reading Blobs
(require '[blob-storage.api :as api])

(api/blob service "d69b8dc8-53f7-4d67-b71a-8cbd4d125e81")
;; {:id d69b8dc8-53f7-4d67-b71a-8cbd4d125e81,
;;  :blob #object[[B 0x4c2bf85e [B@4c2bf85e],
;;  :created_at #inst "2015-09-14T14:01:15.049787000-00:00",
;;  :updated_at #inst "2015-09-14T15:04:20.061402000-00:00"}
Deleting Blobs
(require '[blob-storage.api :as api])

(api/del! service "d69b8dc8-53f7-4d67-b71a-8cbd4d125e81")

Storing files

(require '[blob-storage.api :as api])

(api/store! service ( "/some/file.txt"))  
;; "d69b8dc8-53f7-4d67-b71a-8cbd4d125e81"


$ export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/blobs_test" && lein test
$ set -x DATABASE_URL "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/blobs_test"; lein test


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.