- Lock collateral in Vault Registry
- Submit master public key to Vault Registry
- Detect and execute pending issue requests
- Listen for redeem events
- Send BTC transaction to user
- Get BTC transaction inclusion proof and raw tx
- Execute redeem with corresponding redeem id, tx inclusion proof and raw tx
- Request Replace
- Execute Replace
Receive block headers from Bitcoin Core
Submit block headers to the BTC Parachain
Download and start Bitcoin Core:
bitcoind -regtest -server
Build and run the interBTC Parachain:
git clone git@gitlab.com:interlay/interbtc.git
cargo run --bin interbtc-parachain -- --dev --tmp
The basic command to run the vault client:
source ../.env
cargo run --bin vault --features parachain-metadata-kintsugi
# bitcoin private key (for light client)
vault generate-bitcoin-key private-key.wif --network bitcoin
# parachain sr25519 key
vault generate-parachain-key --output keyfile.json
# start the vault client
vault \
--bitcoin-rpc-url http://localhost:18332 \
--bitcoin-rpc-user rpcuser \
--bitcoin-rpc-pass rpcpassword \
--keyfile keyfile.json \
--keyname $(cat keyfile.json | jq -r 'keys[0]')
When using cargo to run this binary, arguments to cargo and the binary are separated by --
. For example, to pass --help
to the vault to get a list of all command line options that is guaranteed to be up date, run:
cargo run --bin vault --features parachain-metadata-kintsugi -- --help
For convenience, a copy of this output is included below. Note that the bitcoin RPC configuration can be passed either as command line arguments, or as environment variables. By running source ../.env
, the default RPC configuration is loaded into environment variables.
vault [OPTIONS]
Bump bitcoin tx fees whenever the oracle reports a new, higher inclusion fee estimate
--auto-register <AUTO_REGISTER>
Automatically register the vault with the given amount of collateral and a newly
generated address
--bitcoin-connection-timeout-ms <BITCOIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS>
Timeout in milliseconds to wait for connection to bitcoin-core
[default: 60000]
--bitcoin-poll-interval-ms <BITCOIN_POLL_INTERVAL_MS>
Timeout in milliseconds to poll Bitcoin
[default: 6000]
--bitcoin-relay-confirmations <BITCOIN_RELAY_CONFIRMATIONS>
Number of confirmations a block needs to have before it is submitted
[default: 0]
--bitcoin-relay-start-height <BITCOIN_RELAY_START_HEIGHT>
Starting height to relay block headers, if not defined use the best height as reported
by the relay module
--bitcoin-rpc-pass <BITCOIN_RPC_PASS>
--bitcoin-rpc-url <BITCOIN_RPC_URL>
--bitcoin-rpc-user <BITCOIN_RPC_USER>
--bitcoin-wif <BITCOIN_WIF>
File containing the WIF encoded Bitcoin private key
--btc-confirmations <BTC_CONFIRMATIONS>
How many bitcoin confirmations to wait for. If not specified, the parachain settings
will be used (recommended)
--btc-parachain-connection-timeout-ms <BTC_PARACHAIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS>
Timeout in milliseconds to wait for connection to btc-parachain
[default: 60000]
--btc-parachain-url <BTC_PARACHAIN_URL>
Parachain websocket URL
[default: wss://api-dev-kintsugi.interlay.io:443/parachain]
--collateral-timeout-ms <COLLATERAL_TIMEOUT_MS>
Timeout in milliseconds to repeat collateralization checks
[default: 5000]
--electrs-url <ELECTRS_URL>
Url of the electrs server. If unset, a default fallback is used depending on the
detected network
--faucet-url <FAUCET_URL>
Pass the faucet URL for auto-registration
-h, --help
Print help information
--keyfile <KEYFILE>
Path to the json file containing key pairs in a map. Valid content of this file is e.g.
`{ "MyUser1": "<Polkadot Account Mnemonic>", "MyUser2": "<Polkadot Account Mnemonic>" }`
--keyname <KEYNAME>
The name of the account from the keyfile to use
--keyring <KEYRING>
Keyring to use, mutually exclusive with keyfile
Experimental: Run in light client mode
--logging-format <LOGGING_FORMAT>
Logging output format
[default: full]
--max-batch-size <MAX_BATCH_SIZE>
Max batch size for combined block header submission
[default: 16]
--max-concurrent-requests <MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS>
Maximum number of concurrent requests
--max-notifs-per-subscription <MAX_NOTIFS_PER_SUBSCRIPTION>
Maximum notification capacity for each subscription
Don't run the RPC API
Deprecated - kept only to not break clients
Opt out of participation in replace requests
Don't relay bitcoin block headers
Don't try to execute issues
Do not expose a Prometheus metric endpoint
Attempt to execute best-effort transactions immediately, rather than using a random
--payment-margin-minutes <PAYMENT_MARGIN_MINUTES>
Minimum time to the the redeem/replace execution deadline to make the bitcoin payment
[default: 120]
Expose Prometheus exporter on all interfaces.
Default is local.
--prometheus-port <PROMETHEUS_PORT>
Specify Prometheus exporter TCP Port
[default: 9615]
--restart-policy <RESTART_POLICY>
Restart or stop on error
[default: always]
-V, --version
Print version information
Generate the WIF encoded Bitcoin private key
Generate the sr25519 parachain key pair
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Run the Vault client (default)