This is pids-geoconnex-mysql
, used as the host directory for the internetofwater/yourls-mysql
docker image.
This container is run during the Github workflow.
The mysql folder is used to build mysql
and internetofwater/yourls-mysql
images during the Github workflow. Initially mysql
is created using schema.sql.gz
. At the end of the workflow internetofwater/yourls-mysql
is created using yourls.sql.gz
is an empty backup of the yourls database with an empty yourls_url
table and the specified yourls_options
plugins enabled. internetofwater/yourls-mysql
includes both /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/schema.sql.gz
and the workflow generated backup /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/yourls.sql.gz
. schema.sql.gz
is redundant when yourls.sql.gz
is included,because schema.sql.gz
is executed before yourls.sql.gz
. Each backup drops and rebuilds all the tables in the yourls
The Dockerfile
moves all files from this directory (.
) to /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
. Therefore:
- With just
: Build container with empty yourls database for MySQL with plugins enabled. - With yourls.sql.gz: Build container with yourls database populated with the most recent database backup.