In order to work with the OceanBestPractices web app you'll first need to install Node.js and npm. Most likely you'll need multiple versions of node on your machine so we recommend installing nvm.
On OS X you can install nvm with
brew install nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/
The package can only be installed on an older version of Node.js, use nvm to install this.
nvm install v14.21.1
We also need the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK).
brew install aws-cdk
cdk --version
This version of Node.js seems to depend on Python2 because it's using GYP.
Please refer to the ingest README, TextExtractor repo and apex for instructions on how to deploy the text extractor.
Environments can share a single text extractor deployment. If there is already one deployed in the AWS account it's easier to use that than it is to deploy a new instance.
Environment variables for the website should be set in a .env
file before deploying an environment. Copy the contents of ./website/dot_env_example into a new file in the same directory named .env
. Set the values to the appropriate values depending on the target environment.
The Ocean Best Practices application is deployed using AWS CDK. There are currently three environments configured: Development
, Staging
, and Production
Before the project can be deployed, it will need to be built. That can be accomplished with:
npm install
npm audit fix [--force]
npm run build
Deploy the Development Environment
npm run cdk:dev:deploy
Deploy the Staging Environment
npm run cdk:staging:deploy
Deploy the Production Environment
npm run cdk:prod:deploy
Before performing a deployment, the changes can be previewed by running:
npm run cdk:dev:diff
The same command is available for the staging
and prod