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Parameter -o for setting outgroup is not working and I'm getting a long branch for the first species (IQTree2.3.4) #351

Answered by roblanf
badiaclara asked this question in Q&A
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@badiaclara can you share the alignment please? This will help in attempting to see what's going on.

However, a couple of things to point out. First, the outgroup is a purely cosmetic thing for plotting the tree. You can open your tree in any software (FigTree, iTOL, etc) and set a new outgroup to root the tree. The choice of outgroup makes no difference to the tree you are estimating - all trees with reversible models are unrooted anyway.

Second, that long branch most likely exists because that's the best way to explain the input alignment. It may not make sense biologically, but it probably (I say probably because it's always possible there's a bug!) makes perfect sense with the combina…

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This discussion was converted from issue #349 on November 11, 2024 02:02.