Version 2.7.7 (2020-08-19)
- [Fix] Permissions callback for REST route in WP 5.5
- [Fix] Color not working for the Cart Icon component
- [Fix] Headings and lists alignment in the editor
- [Fix] Warnings in the Music Band 2 Starter Site
- [Fix] Range controls controlled from the keyboard
- [Fix] Previewing templates from Otter Blocks
- [Fix] Inline text-color not applying in the editor
- New Gutenberg Starter Sites
Version 2.7.6 (2020-08-04)
- [Feat] New magic tags for single post pages
- [Feat] Move Starter Sites library and import process in the Cloud Templates & Patterns collection plugin
- [Fix] Compatibility with WP 5.5
- [Fix] Starter sites tab layout on smaller resolutions
Version 2.7.5 (2020-07-10)
- [Fix] Move Starter Sites library and import process in OrbitFox companion plugin
Version 2.7.4 (2020-07-08)
- [Feat] Improved Starter Sites library layout
- [Feat] Use display:swap for Google Fonts
- [Fix] Live refresh for spacing controls
- [Fix] Canvas mode for the search icon in AMP on mobile
- New Gutenberg Starter Sites
Version 2.7.3 (2020-06-23)
- [Feat] New typography controls for the Blog and Single Post pages
- [Feat] New vertical alignment controls for the footer builder components
- [Fix] Neve Options page in RTL mode
- [Fix] Optimize screenshots in Starter Sites library
- [Fix] Make sure all keys in values are defined for the Spacing Component
- [Fix] Add back single product name in breadcrumbs
- New Brizy Starter Sites
Version 2.7.2 (2020-06-04)
- [Feat] Three layouts for the header builder Search Icon component ( Canvas, Minimal and Float above Header )
- [Feat] Styling controls for the header builder Search Icon and Search Form components
- [Feat] New neve_before_header_wrapper_hook and neve_after_header_wrapper_hook hooks
- [Fix] Dismissable notice for contributing to Neve
- [Fix] Support for Main image width and Thumbnail width options in WooCommerce ( to fix blurred images on the Shop page )
- [Fix] Wrong default padding for buttons
- [Fix] Wrong content width for grouped blocks
- [Fix] Neve Options page not loading in Microsoft Edge v18
- [Fix] Update list of Google Fonts
- [Fix] Google lighthouse reports not unique ID attribute
- [Fix] Live refresh with the Primary Menu hover skin option
Version 2.7.1 (2020-05-21)
- [Feat] Replaced Skin Mode control with a Text Color control in the header builder rows
- [Fix] Apply row background color to menu dropdowns
- [Fix] Filter by price widget button default background-color
- [Fix] Make the alignment classes more generic to allow overwriting from block specific settings
- [Fix] Clickable links in the Changelog area
- [Fix] Neve Options page on lower resolutions
- [Fix] Check for the Rest API endpoint before allowing users to start an import
Version 2.7.0 (2020-05-13)
- [Feat] Improved Neve Options page and onboarding experience
- [Feat] Integration with the Toolset plugin
- [Feat] Improved dynamic CSS generation & Gutenberg integration
- [Fix] Yellow background on the number of products in categories on the Shop page
- [Fix] Secondary Menu alignment on mobile
- New starter sites
- Book Shop
- Psychologist
- Doctors
- Pet Shop
- Apparel
- Boat Rental
- Jewellery Shop
- Perfume Shop
- Music Band
- Fitness Trainer
Version 2.6.6 (2020-04-07)
- [Fix] Background color for mobile menu
- [Fix] Last Menu Search icon in AMP
Version 2.6.5 (2020-04-06)
- [Fix] Infinite scroll with masonry scrolling to the top of page
- [Fix] Variations product select height on iPhone
- [Fix] JS error regarding customizer typography line-height suffix
- [Fix] Max Mega Menu alignment
- [Fix] Firefox Customizer visual bugs
- [Fix] Compatibility with latest Gutenberg version
- [Fix] Add missing role=button and tabindex=0 for search icon button for AMP
- [Fix] Small performance tweaks and optimizations
- New Gutenberg Starter Sites
Version 2.6.4 (2020-03-23)
- [Fix] Disable admin notice
- New Gutenberg Starter Sites
Version 2.6.3 (2020-03-19)
- [Feat] Refactor customizer UI
- [Fix] Compatibility issues with WP 5.4
- [Fix] Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Addon plugin
- [Feat] New text color option for the HTML and Copyright components
- [Feat] New option to Disable Homepage Link in the Logo & Site Identity component
- [Fix] Issues in AMP when using Google Tag Manager Codeless Injection
- [Fix] Footer menu alignment
- [Fix] Mega Menu not working in Edge
- [Fix] Narrow editor with the new Gutenberg version
- New Gutenberg and Beaver Builder Starter Sites
- [Feat] New header presets
- [Feat] New justify option for the button component
- [Feat] New menu item spacing and menu item height options
- [Fix] Style closing menu icon to match menu icon
- [Fix] Primary and secondary menu alignments
- [Fix] Made button a mergeable component in the header builder
- [Fix] Changed the Leave a reply title to H3
- [Fix] Search form width when merged with mergeable components
- [Fix] Selective refresh on non-header builders
- [Fix] Notice from array offset in responsive style method
- [Fix] Page break pagination not appearing on the blog page
- [Feat] Adds quantity box back to the product pages
- [Feat] Better organize the Woocommerce controls in the customizer
- [Fix] Fixed metabox range input style in Firefox
- [Fix] Fixed editor alignment for the quote block
- [Fix] Fixed sidebar layout not updating on single product pages [Fix] Fixed search results page sidebar when using Elementor
- [Fix] Fixed expanded cart positioning
- New Starter Sites
- Web Agency
- Blogger
- [Feat] New styling options for buttons in the header builder
- [Feat] New dynamic tags for the header and footer builder
- [Fix] External fonts not loading in editor
- [Fix] Removed unnecessary post metadata saved in the database
- [Fix] Improved primary menu closing animation on mobile
- [Fix] Button block preview in the editor
- [Fix] Compatibility with the latest update of Gutenberg
- [Fix] Improved padding and margin components layout
- [Fix] Button border-radius control default value not allowing a zero value
- [Fix] Made default layout full width when the sidebar is empty
- [Feat] New option to allow both logo and site and tagline in different layouts
- [Feat] New dedicated typography controls for the Primary, Secondary and Footer menus, HTML, Copyright, Cart and Search icons components on the header builder
- [Fix] Embeds compatibility issues with Jetpack and the Embed Plus for YouTube – Gallery, [Fix] Channel, Playlist, Live Stream plugin
- [Fix] Excerpt compatibility with the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin
- [Fix] Removed list styling from the All Products block in the WooCommerce Block plugin
- [Fix] Content width live preview on mobile devices
- [Fix] Replaced the Last menu item option with dedicated components for new users
- [Fix] Removed Neve Visual Integration causing issues in the editor
- [Fix] Copyright component striping spaces before and after links
- [Fix] Replaced buttons old padding control with a new version
- [Fix] Padding for the Menu Icon component
- [Fix] Lists spacing alignment
- [Fix] Updated Google Fonts list
- [Fix] Getting post meta value for single product page meta-box
- [Feat] Improved mobile header/footer builder UX
- [Feat] New styling controls for the Menu Icon component
- [Feat] New Filled and Outline style options for buttons
- [Fix] Uploading background images in the header/footer builder
- [Fix] Content alignment when Gutenberg is activated
- [Fix] Multiple embeds not visible on the single post page
- [Fix] Better alignment for small icon components of the header/footer builder
- [Fix] Excerpts now inherit text color
- [Fix] Single product titles now inherit H1 typography options
- [Fix] Typography units changes did not trigger control refresh
- [Fix] Enlarged the narrow content in the editor
- [Fix] Removed hover effect on table rows overriding block colors
- [Fix] Overriding header/footer builder templates using child themes
- [Fix] Correct migration of body font size to new version
- [Feat] Improve header/footer builder UX
- [Feat] Increased header/footer builder row height to 700px
- [Feat] Improve typography controls, adds Text Transform, Font Weight, Letter Spacing controls for headings.
- [Feat] Shadow option for the blog thumbnails
- [Fix] Removed extra padding-top on embeds
- [Fix] Embeds not visible on the blog page
- [Fix] Small compatibility issues with WP 5.3
- [Fix] Cover block text color not updating
- [Fix] Reply comments mechanism when Yoast is installed
- [Fix] Scroll on mobile and tablet and wireframe view in the Divi editor
- [Fix] Content width on full-width container
- [Fix] Headings blocks errors with Gutenberg 6.8.0
- New Beaver Builder Starter Sites
- New Brizy Starter Sites