Generate JSON from internal representation
Update recipe information
Prep time, cook time, total time
Nutritial information - or not?
Create ingredients with info about allergies and content
Check the suitableForDiet section of the spec
Allow recipes to override the ingredient allergies
Example: Soy milk can be used instead of milk, without problems, in this recipe
Allow recipes to override the amount of an ingredient
Example: Deep-frying. Some oil will be left in the doughnuts, but most will remain in the pan
Read in ingredients-YAML to memory before recipes - internal representation?
Scan through ingredients when reading a recipe
Find a way to show it on the site
Recipe cards want 16x9, 4x3 and 1x1
Pinterest needs “phone images” - possibly with text
Pinterest also uses alt-text as description
Recipes consisting of multiple partial recipes
Dropdown box to select which recipes to use
This is not relevant until we have more recipes
Since this in a python project, we should look into using virtualenv to manage our dependencies.
Support for multiple distinct paragraphs in long description field
Error output form recipe compiling is daunting.
Try to change cooking time based on heat equation
Need to add volume used to recipes
Need to add a concept of servings first
fridge icon, freezer icon
For search engines; metric recipes with simple ingredients, realistic times and a personal touch
Tags/description for every recipe
Create a proper front page
Research what goes into making “carousel structured data”
Hover/click on a timeline step shows the short description
Add functionality to “check for step done” on a recipe page
Research if I can optimize for “featured snippets”
Step numbers in alt-text/description
Update the text on the About-page