diff --git a/_orangcbot/__main__.py b/_orangcbot/__main__.py
index 9bbe2ec..2674d64 100644
--- a/_orangcbot/__main__.py
+++ b/_orangcbot/__main__.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 import os
 import nextcord
-from nextcord import ApplicationError, Intents
+from nextcord import ApplicationError, Game, Intents
 from nextcord.ext import application_checks as ac
 from nextcord.ext import commands, help_commands  # type: ignore
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ def convert_none_to_0(key: Optional[ConvertibleToInt] = None) -> int:
+    activity=Game("Busy being a Barbie Girl"),
 # @bot.event
 # async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
diff --git a/_orangcbot/extensions/nonsense.py b/_orangcbot/extensions/nonsense.py
index 69e5646..6dc254e 100644
--- a/_orangcbot/extensions/nonsense.py
+++ b/_orangcbot/extensions/nonsense.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 import aiohttp
 import nextcord
-from nextcord import HTTPException, Interaction, SlashOption, slash_command
+from nextcord import HTTPException, Interaction, Object, SlashOption, slash_command
+from nextcord.ext import application_checks as ac
 from nextcord.ext import commands
 from .converters import (
@@ -290,6 +291,23 @@ class NonsenseSlash(commands.Cog):
     def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
         self._bot: commands.Bot = bot
+    @nextcord.slash_command()
+    @ac.is_owner()
+    async def make_degen(
+        self,
+        interaction: Interaction,
+        user: nextcord.Member = SlashOption(
+            description="The degen-like user.", required=True
+        ),
+        reason=SlashOption(
+            description="Why this person should be a degen? Idrk.", required=True
+        ),
+    ) -> None:
+        await user.add_roles(Object(id=1238746465111642122), reason=reason)
+        await interaction.send(
+            f"Master, I have made {str(user)} to be a degenerate. I'm sorry for all your loss, Master."
+        )
     async def ban(
diff --git a/_orangcbot/extensions/oneword.py b/_orangcbot/extensions/oneword.py
index 28ccf54..91f25c3 100644
--- a/_orangcbot/extensions/oneword.py
+++ b/_orangcbot/extensions/oneword.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import asyncio
-from typing import Final
+from typing import Final, cast
 import nextcord
 from nextcord.ext import commands
@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ class Oneword(commands.Cog):
     def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
         self._bot: commands.Bot = bot
+    async def check_if_sending_consecutive_messages(
+        self, channel: nextcord.TextChannel
+    ):
+        messages: list[nextcord.Message] = await channel.history(limit=2).flatten()
+        return messages[1].author == messages[0].author
     async def on_message(self, message: nextcord.Message) -> None:
         if message.author.bot:
@@ -22,13 +28,28 @@ async def on_message(self, message: nextcord.Message) -> None:
             return  # type: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue]
         if message.channel.id != ONEWORD_CHANNEL_ID:
-        if " " in message.content:
+        ONEWORD_CHANNEL = cast(  # noqa: F841
+            nextcord.TextChannel, self._bot.get_channel(ONEWORD_CHANNEL_ID)
+        )
+        # r = await self.check_if_sending_consecutive_messages(ONEWORD_CHANNEL)
+        if " " in message.content or "\n" in message.content:
             await message.delete()
-            r = await message.channel.send(
-                "Message which have space(s) are not allowed."
+            s = await message.channel.send(
+                "Message which have space(s) or newlines are not allowed."
             await asyncio.sleep(5)
-            await r.delete()
+            await s.delete()
+            return
+        # if r:
+        #     await message.delete()
+        #     s = await message.channel.send("Nice try, kid.")
+        #     await asyncio.sleep(5)
+        #     await s.delete()
+        #     return
+        return
     async def on_message_edit(
@@ -48,6 +69,18 @@ async def on_message_edit(
     async def on_message_delete(self, message: nextcord.Message) -> None:
+        # audit_log = await message.guild.audit_logs(limit=1).flatten()
+        # audit_log_entry: nextcord.AuditLogEntry = audit_log[0]
+        # try:
+        #     assert audit_log_entry.action == nextcord.AuditLogAction.message_delete
+        # except AssertionError:
+        #     return
+        # if (
+        #     (audit_log_entry.action == nextcord.AuditLogAction.message_delete)
+        #     and (audit_log_entry.user == message.guild.me)
+        #     and (audit_log_entry.extra.channel.id == ONEWORD_CHANNEL_ID)  # type: ignore
+        # ):
+        #     return
         if message.author.bot:
         if " " in message.content: