Releases: istopwg/ippeveselfcert
Releases · istopwg/ippeveselfcert
v1.0 Update 1
This release of the IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Tools fixes the following issues:
- Issue #3: Fix handling of service instance names starting with "_".
- PR #5: Add date to log files.
- Issue #6: Do exact matches of service instance names.
- Issue #7: Do not require a resource path of "/ipp/print".
- Issue #9: Do not require "document-numbers" member attribute.
- Issue #13: Allow 'unknown' values for "date-time-at-xxx" attributes.
IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Tools v1.0.20151110
Stable (beta) release of self-certification tools for the stable draft of the IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Manual v1.0 (November 10, 2015).