Classification of pathways for ACS patients. Ten classes were identified according to clustering of observed paths. Each class is described with a states, transition probabilities, observed LoS for states.
- initial state*01
- final stateAxx
- receptionDxx
- reception for transfer to further treatmentExx
- cardiological departmentFxx
- intensive care departmentIxx
- surgeryNxx
- coronarography
Here xx
is two-digit ID of state within a group.
For each of 10 clusters (named by cluster ID in a range [0..9]):
- transition matrix (probability of transition from state to state) for all available states (csv, headers in first row and column)Distr_statesN/XXX.txt
- set of observed data for length of stay in stateXXX
Here N
is cluster ID, XXX
is states (can be obtained from transition matrices).
- number of patients per day (1 column, no header)Entrance_time.txt
- time of patients arrival starting from the beginning of the day in minutes (1 column, no header)
- LoS claimed in EHR in conclusion (1 column, no header)LoS for clusters.csv
- LoS extracted from EHR (csv with header, columns:Cluster
- cluster ID,Case
- case ID;LoS
- LoS in minutes)clusters_size.csv
- number of cases in clusters (csv with header, columns:CLUSTER_ID
- number of cases)