imas-python is a pure-python library to handle arbitrarily nested data structures. imas-python is designed for, but not necessarily bound to, interacting with Interface Data Structures (IDSs) as defined by the Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite (IMAS) Data Model.
Install steps are described in the documentation generated from /docs/source/installing.rst
Documentation is autogenerated from the source using Sphinx and can be found at the ITER sharepoint
The documentation can be manually generated by installing sphinx and running:
make -C docs html
import imas
factory = imas.IDSFactory()
equilibrium = factory.equilibrium()
equilibrium.ids_properties.homogeneous_time = imas.ids_defs.IDS_TIME_MODE_HETEROGENEOUS
equilibrium.ids_properties.comment = "testing"
with imas.DBEntry("imas:hdf5?path=./testdb","w") as dbentry:
A quick 5 minutes introduction is available in the documentation generated from /docs/sources/intro.rst
imas-python is Copyright 2020-2024 ITER Organization, Copyright 2020-2023 Karel Lucas van de Plassche, Copyright 2020-2022 Daan van Vugt, and Copyright 2020 Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research It is licensed under LGPL 3.0.
Inspired and bootstrapped by existing tools, notably the IMAS Python HLI, IMAS Python workflows, and OMAS.