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Java 11

To run each example use:

java -cp bin <ClassName>


  • 181 - Nest-Based Access Control
  • 309 - Dynamic Class-File Constants
  • 315 - Improve Aarch64 Intrinsics
  • 318 - Epsilon: A No-Op Garbage Collector
  • 320 - Remove the Java EE and CORBA Modules
  • 321 - HTTP Client (Standard)
  • 323 - Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters
  • 324 - Key Agreement with Curve25519 and Curve448
  • 327 - Unicode 10
  • 328 - Flight Recorder
  • 329 - ChaCha20 and Poly1305 Cryptographic Algorithms
  • 330 - Launch Single-File Source-Code Programs
  • 331 - Low-Overhead Heap Profiling
  • 332 - Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3
  • 333 - ZGC: A Scalable Low-Latency Garbage Collector (Experimental)
  • 335 - Deprecate the Nashorn JavaScript Engine
  • 336 - Deprecate the Pack200 Tools and API



  • Removal of modules and deprecated API
    • Removal of Java EE Modules
      • JAF
      • CORBA
      • JTA
      • JAXB
      • JAX-WS
      • Commons Annotation
    • JavaFX
  • Scripting
  • Shebang
    • #!/opt/jdk-11/bin/java --source 11
  • var in lambda expressions
    • allowing to use annotation without specifying the type: .filter((@Nonnull var item) -> isAllowed(item))
  • API improvements
    • String
      • lines(): to streaming the lines from a string
      • strip(), stripLeading() and stripTrailing()
      • repeat(int)
      • isBlank()
    • Path
      • of(String, String...) and of(URI)
    • Files
      • readString(Path): read the entire content from a file as a String - Files.readString(Path.of("message.txt"))
      • writeString(Path, CharSequence, OpenOption...) write a String to a file - Files.writeString(Path.of("message.txt"), updatedMessage)
    • Null I/O
      • InputStream.nullInputStream(): empty input stream
      • OutputStream.nullOutputStream(): output stream that discards input bytes
      • Reader.nullReader(): empty reader
      • Writer.nullWriter(): writer that discards input content
    • New better way to turn a collection into an array
      • String[] array = list.toArray(String[]::new)
    • Optional::isEmpty
    • Predicate::not
    • Pattern::asMatchPredicate


  • CDS
    • The Class data sharing (CDS) feature helps reduce the startup time and memory footprint between multiple Java Virtual Machines (JVM).
    • To use CDS we need permition to write to lib dir: $JAVA_HOME/lib/server/classes.jsa
    • Steps:
      • First we need to generate the class list with the loaded classes: java -XX:DumpLoadedClassList=<my-classes-list-file.lst>
      • Then generate the dump using the class list: java -XX:SharedClassListFile=<my-classes-list-file.jsa> -Xshare:dump
      • To use: java -XX:SharedArchiveFile=<my-classes-list-file.jsa>
