Sometimes we need somthing very simple
Imagine you have a system that is 20 years old, built on technologies that nobody wants to work with anymore. For instance, there's a need to enhance a CRM by adding new features, parsers, etc. This "proof of concept" system allows any program to be called over HTTP through MQ (, thereby enabling the transition of programming tasks from the "legacy system" to modern languages and contemporary technologies.
Get JSON from bash.json
curl -X GET -s localhost:8088/mq?t=bash.json |jq
edit list.txt in format (add empty line at the end):
run bash
to generate docker-compose.yml file
start system:
docker-compose up -d --build
execute script:
echo "hello world" | docker-compose exec -T cmd /app
should return something like:
got message: hello world
and... pipelines:
echo "input" | docker-compose exec -T cmd /app 2>&1 | docker-compose exec -T cmd /app pipe2
should return something like:
got message with 1st message: got message: input
via http to nats proxy:
curl --data "hello my script" -X POST localhost:8088/mq?