make function that loads new audio from assets into the live section
it must first clear the live section BUT it should not clear the live file that's playing, which can be seen from self.currentAudio
make a modification so that the streeam plays silent audio when the live section is empty
-- make the name of the song fade in and out
// // Setup the ffmpeg command
// const cmd = `
// ${ffmpeg} \
// -stream_loop -1 \
// -re \
// -i ${videoFile} \
// -stream_loop -1 \
// -re \
// -f concat -safe 0 -i media/processed/tracklist.txt \
// -f lavfi -i anullsrc \
// -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -pix_fmt yuv420p \
// -crf 10 \
// -r 60 \
// -c:a aac \
// -b:a 192k -ar 44100 -shortest \
// -b:v 4500k \
// -threads 4 \
// -f flv ${mainOptions.streamURL}/${process.env.STREAM_KEY}
// `
// self.ffmpeg = ffmpeg()
// .addInput(resolve(self.live, 'video', 'background.gif')) // .addInputOption('-ignore_loop 0') // .addInputOption('-re') // Realtime // .videoFilters({ // filter: 'drawtext', // options: { // fontfile: resolve(self.live, 'font', 'title.ttf'), // textfile: resolve(self.live, 'title.txt'), // fontsize: 40, // fontcolor: 'white', // x: '(w-tw)/2', // y: '(main_h-60)', // reload: 1, // shadowcolor: 'black', // shadowx: 2, // shadowy: 2, // } // }) // // Use the concat demuxer for dynamic audio input // .addInput(resolve(self.live, 'queue.txt')) // .inputFormat('concat') // .inputOption('-safe 0') // Necessary if paths are absolute or have special characters
// .size(options.stream.size)
// .videoBitrate(options.stream.videoBitrate)
// .withAspect('16:9')
// .videoCodec('libx264')
// .audioCodec('aac')
// .audioBitrate(options.stream.audioBitrate)
// .toFormat('flv')
// .output(${options.stream.ingest}/${process.env.STREAM_KEY}