The googlenet-v1-tf
model is one of the Inception family, designed to perform image classification.
Like the other Inception models, the googlenet-v1-tf
model has been pretrained on the ImageNet image database.
For details about this family of models, check out the paper, repository.
Metric | Value |
Type | Classification |
GFLOPs | 3.016 |
MParams | 6.619 |
Source framework | TensorFlow* |
Metric | Original model | Converted model |
Top 1 | 69.81% | 69.81% |
Top 5 | 89.61% | 89.61% |
Image, name - input
, shape - 1,224,224,3
, format is B,H,W,C
- batch sizeH
- heightW
- widthC
- channel
Channel order is RGB
Mean values - [127.5, 127.5, 127.5], scale value - 127.5
Image, name - data
, shape - 1,3,224,224
, format is B,C,H,W
- batch sizeC
- channelH
- heightW
- width
Channel order is BGR
Object classifier according to ImageNet classes, name - InceptionV1/Logits/Predictions/Softmax
, shape - 1,1001
, output data format is B,C
- batch sizeC
- Predicted probabilities for each class in [0, 1] range
Object classifier according to ImageNet classes, name - InceptionV1/Logits/Predictions/Softmax
, shape - 1,1001
, output data format is B,C
- batch sizeC
- Predicted probabilities for each class in [0, 1] range
The original model is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy of the license is provided in APACHE-2.0-TensorFlow.txt.
The original model uses the TF-Slim library, which is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. A copy of the license is provided in APACHE-2.0-TFSlim.txt.