At the moment only the Java code that is generated is published to the maven central repository. Note that this is only published as a snapshot version as yet, so that for many tools you will need to explicitly add the snapshot repository to your setup - e.g. for gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
add this repository to pick up the SNAPSHOT version of the IVOA base library - in the future when this
will not be necessary when this library is released as a non-SNAPSHOT version.
maven {
url= uri("")
then the maven "coordinates" for the model library are
The JavaDoc describe the code in detail, but it is worth reading the generic description of the patterns in the java generated from VO-DML tools as that, combined with the autogenerated model documentation, will probably help comprehension more quickly than just relying on the javadoc.
There are schema that can be used to validate instances of the model created either with the standard code - or perhaps more usefully as interchange with other code (as the standard code is guaranteed to produce valid instances!).