The work of the plugin is mainly done in the xslt 2.0 scripts, and the plugin source is mainly concerned with running these.
The XSLT reads all the models and mapping files in binding_setup.xsl and there are a series of useful functions that can answer model questions such as "has subtypes" defined in common-binding.xsl - Other XSLT scripts then build on these foundations.
- vo-dml2java.xsl generates Java code
- vo-dml2python.xsl generates Python code
- vo-dml2gml.xsl generates the GML diagram description (part of the documentation task)
- vo-dml2gvd.xsl generates GraphViz diagram description (part of the documentation task)
- vo-dml2html.xsl generates HTML description of the model (part of the documentation task)
- vo-dml2Latex.xsl generates LaTeX description of the model (part of the documentation task)
- vo-dml2dsl.xsl converts VO-DML to VODSL
There is a sample project that acts as a test bench for the plugin. is a good summary of the new features in XSLT 3.0.
Testing to the plugin against the sample models can be done in the gradletooling directory where
gradle test
will run all the code generation and serialization tests against the sample models.
When a new version of the plugin is being tested before release, the version numbers should be incremented and the plugin source and the sample project installed locally using
gradle :gradle-plugin:publishToMavenLocal
@pahjbo has the credentials for publishing the products of this repository.
gradle :gradle-plugin:publishplugins
The runtime is published to the org.javastro
owned part of the maven central repository
In the top directory the following will create a staging repository
gradle :java:publishToSonatype :java:closeSonatypeStagingRepository
which can then be checked and released in the GUI.