This is an R package for running scheduled R jobs in the background.
This package uses a "cron-like" syntax for scheduling. The main difference with regular cron syntax is the addition of seconds.
This example will run script.R
according to the schedule given.
# sec min hour day of month month day of week year
schedule <- "0 30 9,12,15 1,15 May-Aug Mon,Wed,Fri 2018/2"
bgwrkR::BackgroundWorker$new("script.R", schedule)
In the following example script.R
will run every 10 seconds.
# Notice that `year` is optional.
# Every schedule must have at least 6 arguments.
# sec min hour day month day of week
schedule <- "*/10 * * * * *"
bgwrkR::BackgroundWorker$new("script.R", schedule)