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This is a record of all past gettsim releases and what went into them in reverse chronological order. We follow semantic versioning and all releases are available on


  • {gh}756 Refactor Elterngeld module and some small fixes ({ghuser}MImmesberger, {ghuser}ThOrtmann).
  • {gh}790 Add unterhaltsvors implementation 2009 to 2016 ({ghuser}mjbloemer).
  • {gh}788 Pension benefit earnings test for early retirees ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}786 Check directly whether child and parent are in same Bedarfsgemeinschaft for Kindergeldübertrag ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}785 Add NotImplementedError to Unterhaltsvorschuss and test whether output from create_synthetic_data is enough to compute default targets ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}772 Add Mindesteinkommen check to Wohngeld, calculate anz_eig_kind_bis_24 instead of requiring it as an input variable ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}771 Move SGB II Regelsatz calculation from BG to individual level ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}765 Kinderzuschlag only paid out if parents are in the same BG as the child ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}766 Allow for user-provided grouping IDs. ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}717 Switch from cohort-based policy to date-based policy in retirement module ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}753 Vorrangprüfung of Wohngeld and ALG2 on bg level ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}759 Unify function names in Sozialversicherung modules ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}755 Allow array returns when skip_vectorization is being used, enforce import convention ({ghuser}hmgaudecker).
  • {gh}751 Kindergeldübertrag ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}739 Unterhaltsvorschuss calculation on child level ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}725 KdU calculation on bg level and other small fixes ({ghuser}MImmesberger, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}722 Join columns to make target columns available at source level ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}732 Change wealth input variable to individual-level (vermögen_bedürft) ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}730 Add argument to create_synthetic_data on whether adults are married. ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}729 Fix bugs in calculation of Unterhaltsvorschuss and Grundsicherung im Alter ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}721 Optionally skip vectorization of a policy function ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}720 Combined decorator for policy information ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}700 Data columns overwrite functions regardless of time unit ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}694 Replace tu groupings with correct groupings. ({ghuser}MImmesberger, {ghuser}lars-reimann, {ghuser}hmgaudecker).
  • {gh}676 Add explicit parent-child links. ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}684 New Issue template for yearly parameter updates. ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}680 2024 Parameter Update ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}MImmesberger)
  • {gh}662, {gh}675 Replace hh in function names by bg/fg ({ghuser}lars-reimann, {ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}577 Implement Erwerbsminderungsrente (public disability insurance) ({ghuser}nafetsk)
  • {gh}601 Add groupings sn_id, fg_id, and bg_id ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}642 Vertrauensschutz for pension for unemployed ({ghuser}TeBackh, {ghuser}MImmesberger)
  • {gh}660 Entgeltpunkte Ost/West ({ghuser}nafetsk).
  • {gh}659 Add rounding to Unterhaltsvorschuss, ESt, Wohngeld, Kinderzuschlag. ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}655 Correct calculation of Lohnsteuer for 2015 to 2023 ({ghuser}JakobWegmann).
  • {gh}653 Add Soli to Lohnsteuer test cases ({ghuser}JakobWegmann).
  • {gh}636, {gh}637 Reduced contribution rate for retirees for long-term care insurance until 2004 ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}643 Fix bug in Midijobfaktor calculation in 2004. ({ghuser}MImmesberger).
  • {gh}590 Add allowance for child income for Kinderzuschlag. ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}620 Adds income from self employment to income for Bürgergeld ({ghuser}amageh, {ghuser}lillyfischer, {ghuser}TeBackh)
  • {gh}634 Implement pension for unemployed ({ghuser}TeBackh)
  • {gh}632 Zugangsfaktor calculation with monthly precision ({ghuser}TeBackh).
  • {gh}624 Don't create functions for other time units if this leads to a cycle in the graph ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}630 Fixes bug in piecewise_polynomial that ignored jumps in intercepts ({ghuser}nafetsk).
  • {gh}639 Infer columns_overriding_functions for compute_taxes_and_transfers from functions and data ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}638 Don't use functions in compute_taxes_and_transfers that are not active ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}618, {gh}623 Apply @dates_active decorator to Abgeltungssteuer, Midi- and Minijobs, Pflegeversicherung. ({ghuser}hmgaudecker).
  • {gh}624 Don't create functions for other time units if this leads to a cycle in the graph ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}603 Add anz_eig_kind_bis_24 to synthetic ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}593 Implement reform of gesetzliche Pflegepflegeversicherung effective as of 2023-07-01 ({ghuser}paulinaschroeder).
  • {gh}602 Correct midijob_faktor_f ({ghuser}paulinaschroeder).
  • {gh}600 Extend the access_different_date functionality for jahresanfang. ({ghuser}paulinaschroeder).
  • {gh}591 Fix minor bug in wealth exemptions for Kinderzuschlag in 2023 ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}589 Fix minor bug in arbeitsl_geld_2_eink_anr_frei_m ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).
  • {gh}583 Automatic conversion between different time units ({ghuser}lars-reimann).
  • {gh}581 Add _y suffix to names of yearly variables ({ghuser}lars-reimann).

v0.7 — 2023-05-14

  • {gh}514 Rewrite create_synthetic_data to make it more flexible and much faster. The function can no longer create households of different household types with one function call. ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}573 Fix bug in age groups of Bürgergeld. ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}150 Implement Lohnsteuer / withholding tax. ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}JakobWegmann).

  • {gh}557 Apply @dates_active decorator in many cases. ({ghuser}hmgaudecker).

  • {gh}405 Fix calculation of voluntary contribution by self-employed to the GKV. ({ghuser}JHermann99)

  • {gh}495 Add @dates_active decorator to easily specify when a function is active. ({ghuser}lars-reimann).

  • {gh}544 Add Kindesunterhalt ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}529 Consider Elterngeld in other transfers only above a certain threshold. ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}551 Add rounding to Wohngeld. ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}425 Add Jax backend ({ghuser}timmens).

v0.6.0 — 2023-01-30

  • {gh}503, {gh}511, Move packaging to PyPI/conda-forge, update documentation ({ghuser}timmens, {ghuser}hmgaudecker).

  • {gh}487 Replace pydot_layout with pygraphviz_layout. ({ghuser}lars-reimann).

  • {gh}457 Correct implementation of Arbeitslosengeld 1 ({ghuser}paulinaschroeder)

  • {gh}484 Implement Kindersofortzuschlag. ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}461 Fix bug in calculation of income for Kinderzuschlag. ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}458 Calculate Vorsorgeaufwendungen on tax unit level and fix bug ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}463 Adjust Günstigerprüfung between Kindergeld and Kinderfreibetrag such that Kindergeld is not set to 0 if Kinderfreibetrag is beneficial ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}450, {gh}500, {gh}501 Update CI, use modern package structure ({ghuser}hmgaudecker).

  • {gh}470 Execute notebooks as part of the documentation build on readthedocs ({ghuser}hmgaudecker).

  • {gh}440 Implement Bürgergeld, which reforms arbeitsl_geld_2 from 01/01/2023 ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}399 Use dags package to create the DAG ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}415 Define supported groupings in ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}416 Add documentation page for Vermögensbegriff for transfers ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}423 Model marginal employment rules reform from 10/2022 ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}406 Change variable name from vermögen_hh to vermögen_bedürft_hh. Add test cases for several transfers ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}380 Implement an automatic type conversion of imported variables. Adding test cases in ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}403 Replace Bokeh with plotly for visualization. ({ghuser}effieHAN,{ghuser}sofyaakimova).

  • {gh}396, Implement pension for (very) long term insured, including eligibility criteria, i.e. "Wartezeiten". Implement pension for women ({ghuser}TeBackh), add more tests ({gh}428, {ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}393 Normal retirement age adjustment aligned with the rules ({ghuser}TeBackh).

  • {gh}385 Make altersentlastungsbetrag dependent on age not on current date ({ghuser}m-pannier, {ghuser}lillyfischer).

  • {gh}392 Fix relative tolerance which was set too high for some tests. Rename vorsorge to vorsorgeaufw ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}323 Align health insurance contribution parameters better aligned with law. Restructure calculation of ges_krankenv, minor changes to ges_pflegev. ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

v0.5.1 — 2022-04-21

  • {gh}377 Fix wrong parameter value for ges_pflegev contribution ({ghuser}JuergenWiemers).
  • {gh}383 Remove ä, ö, ü from file names ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

v0.5.0 — 2022-04-01

  • {gh}327 Add behinderten_pauschbetrag for 1975-1986 ({ghuser}lillyfischer).

  • {gh}285 Set up bokeh dashboard to visualize tax-benefit parameters ({ghuser}Si-Pf, {ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}306 Add the possibility to load the value of a parameter of the previous year when calling set_up_policy_environment ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}275 Implement Grundrente. Implement Grundsicherung im Alter. Remove ges_rente_m as input. Rename gettsim.renten_anspr to gettsim.transfers.rente. Rename gettsim.social_insurance to gettsim.social_insurance_contributions ({ghuser}davpahl, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}307 Allow to specify order up to which ancestors and descendants are shown when plotting a dag ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}310 Added Mehrbedarf G to Implementation of Grundsicherung im Alter ({ghuser}paulinaschroeder).

  • {gh}311 Rename variable kaltmiete_m_hh to bruttokaltmiete_m_hh ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}319 {gh}320 Implement changes for social assistance and social insurance becoming effective in 2022 ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}322 Add updated wohngeld parameters for 2022 ({ghuser}mjbloemer, {ghuser}lillyfischer).

  • {gh}312 Updated GEP-01 with effects on character limits, time and unit identifiers, adjustments for DAG backend ({ghuser}hmgaudecker).

  • {gh}314 Enforce character limits from GEP-01 for all function names and input variables. Make variable names more precise (e.g., ges_ in front of all social insurance parameters that have private counterparts, eink_st everywhere the income tax is meant). Make variables consistent (e.g. kinderfreibetrag had different abbreviations, now kinderfreib everywhere). ({ghuser}hmgaudecker, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann)

  • {gh}343 New argument for `compute_taxes_and_transfers`: rounding. If set to False, rounding of outputs is disabled. Add rounding for eink_st_tu. Rounding for other functions will be introduced in future PRs. ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}349 Create parameters for several hard coded numbers in code. ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit).

  • {gh}355 Major renaming based on GEP 01, e.g.: correct use of _m-suffix; alleinerziehend becomes alleinerz; rename ges_rentenv.yaml to ges_rente.yaml ({ghuser}hmgaudecker, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann)

  • {gh}356 Define functions on scalars and have them vectorised. Implement aggregation functions on group levels. ({ghuser}LauraGergeleit, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann)

v0.4.2 — 2022-01-25

  • Ensure GETTSIM works with Pandas 1.4 ({gh}337)

v0.4.1 — 2021-04-11

  • {gh}248 Implement 2021 increase in lump sum tax deductions for disabled. ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}254 Implement 2021 increase in unemployment benefits ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}253 Implement 2021 changes in health insurance contribution rates and other social insurance regulations ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}266 Adjust to link nodes of DAGs to documentation properly ({ghuser}davpahl, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}267 Implement new calculation of Kinderzuschlag parameter ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}252 Implement 2021 reforms to income tax tariff and family tax deductions ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}235 Module to create synthetic data ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}256 Implement 2021 housing benefit reform ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}283 Implement Kinderbonus in 2020 and 2021 ({ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

v0.4.0 — 2020-11-11

  • {gh}241 Renaming of directories: gettsim.benefits to gettsim.transfers; gettsim.soz_vers to gettsim.social_insurance; to gettsim.parameters ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}ChristianZimpelmann).

  • {gh}230 Add type hints and links all docstring variables to the documentation. Also all functions have a one liner docstring now ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}FelixAhlbrecht).

  • {gh}232 Introduce beginner tutorials on how to use GETTSIM ({ghuser}amageh, {ghuser}davpahl, {ghuser}Trichter33).

  • {gh}185 Add the DAG code for renten_anspr_m ({ghuser}MaxBlesch). This is based on the pension simulation code by ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer).

  • {gh}184 Add visualization of the tax and transfer system as an interactive bokeh plot and documentation improvements ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).

  • {gh}198 Enhance the loader of internal and user functions, adds a tutorial for how to pass functions to the interface and provides more tests ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).

  • {gh}213 Change compute_taxes_and_transfers such that it always returns a pandas DataFrame and removes the return_dag option ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).

  • {gh}219 Refactor the DAG and makes it independent from the main interface ({ghuser}tobiasraabe). The PR also changes the names of interface arguments: functions instead of user_functions, set_up_policy_environment instead of get_policy_for_date, columns_overriding_functions instead of user_columns and some more changes.

  • {gh}225 Make gettsim ready for Python 3.8 ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).

v0.3.4 — 2020-07-30

  • {gh}222 Fix wohngeld coefficent. Add test for increasing wohngeld. ({ghuser}hmgaudecker, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)

v0.3.3 — 2020-06-27

  • {gh}212 Improve the error message when reduced series could not be expanded with an id variable and fixes a related error in the internal functions ({ghuser}hmgaudecker, {ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}214 Add a check for missing root nodes ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}215 Add a check for duplicate targets ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}216 Fix calculation of kinderzuschlag and wohngeld. Changed check against arbeitsl_geld_2 ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).

v0.3.2 — 2020-06-19

  • {gh}196 Add docstring to and improves its interface ({ghuser}MaxBlesch).
  • {gh}197 Add all functions which build the tax and transfer system to the documentation ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}198 Enhance the loader of internal and user functions, adds a tutorial for how to pass functions to the interface and provides more tests ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}200 Add a debug mode to gettsim and documents the feature ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}201 Improve the calculation of hh_freib and renames it to alleinerziehend_freib ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}202 Fix bugs that surfaced for negative incomes ({ghuser}MaxBlesch). related transfers, calculating them at the appropriate (household) level
  • {gh}206 Fix several bugs in arbeitsl_geld_2 and ({ghuser}MaxBlesch).

v0.3.1 — 2020-06-05

  • {gh}188 Removes misleading code bits from the documentation and adds a copy-button ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).
  • {gh}191 Adds a skip and a warning if gettsim.test() is repeatedly called ({ghuser}tobiasraabe).

v0.3.0 — 2020-06-04

  • Cleanup of ALG II parameters and documentation ({ghuser}mjbloemer)
  • Break up params.yaml into group-level files ({ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Correct income deductions for additional child benefit ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Implement "Starke-Familien-Gesetz" from July 2019 on child benefits ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Remove child specific ALG II withdrawal and refactoring of ALG II ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}mjbloemer)
  • Add ALG II transfer withdrawal 2005-01-01 to 2005-09-30 ({ghuser}mjbloemer, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Child tax allowance modelled as two separate items. ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Alimony advance payment (Unterhaltsvorschuss) now modelled more in line with the law ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Implement Art. 3 of Familienentlastungsgesetz on income tax tariff and child tax allowance becoming effective in 2020 ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Implement parity in health care contributions since 2019 and 2020 contribution rates ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Add Elterngeld calculation ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}boryana-ilieva)
  • Fix Soli 1991 calculation, improve Soli 1995 calculation, add 2021 Soli parameters and add Soli tests ({ghuser}mjbloemer, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Implement pre-2010 ruling on Vorsorgeaufwendungen ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • gettsim is released as a conda noarch package ({ghuser}tobiasraabe)
  • Implement 2020 reform increasing housing benefit (Wohngeldstärkungsgesetz) and complete parameters on past benefits ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Regroup wohngeld parameters according to GEP-3 ({ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Rename all data columns to German names ({ghuser}amageh, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Rename and regroup all param files ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Add generic/piecewise functions ({ghuser}johannesgoldbeck, {ghuser}ppoepperling, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • A series of pull requests establishes the new DAG-based backend and refactors the calculation of benefits, taxes, and social insurance ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}tobiasraabe)
  • Error messages for the new interface ({ghuser}hmgaudecker, {ghuser}tobiasraabe).

v0.2.1 — 2019-11-20

  • Fix error with real SOEP data and "Wohngeld" for households with more than 12 household members ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Better description of required input and output columns ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Fix dependencies for conda package ({ghuser}tobiasraabe)
  • Fill changelog and include in docs ({ghuser}tobiasraabe, {ghuser}hmgaudecker)
  • Add maintenance section to website ({ghuser}tobiasraabe)

v0.2.0 — 2019-11-06

Initial release of gettsim.

  • Set up as a conda-installable package ({ghuser}tobiasraabe)
  • Migration of the parameter database from xls to yaml ({ghuser}mjbloemer, {ghuser}MaxBlesch)
  • Migration of test parameters from xls to csv ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}tobiasraabe)
  • Get the main entry point to work, change interface ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}janosg, {ghuser}Eric-Sommer, {ghuser}hmgaudecker, {ghuser}tobiasraabe)
  • Tax and transfer module uses apply instead of loops ({ghuser}MaxBlesch, {ghuser}hmgaudecker)
  • Correct tax treatment of child care costs ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)
  • Improve calculation of housing allowance ({ghuser}Eric-Sommer)

v0.1 and prior work — 2019-09-30

Most code written by {ghuser}Eric-Sommer based on IZAΨMOD, a policy microsimulation model developed at IZA.