ML based in-car Bus traffic analysis. Using regression based analysis, this tool aims to assist the tester to reverse engineer the bus traffic and find the meaning/origin of the messages, respectively its associated ECU.
Add actions simultaneously to real actions triggered in the car. Warning: even though the tool supports infinite actions theoratically, the tool works best for less than 10 actions in one cycle.
- CAN(-FD) (beta)
- Automotive Ethernet (work-in-progress)
- FlexRay (TbA)
- LIN (work-in-progress)
- Linux socketcan (beta)
- PEAK PCAN(-FD) (work-in-progress)
- EtherBadge (work-in-progress)
Config: --plot --device socketcan can --iface can0 --id 0x300
Config: --plot --device etherbadge ae --iface eth1 --ip --protocol udp