$ pip install stravalib
from stravalib import Client
client = Client(access_token='fgd456fgs5dgs546dfg')
athlete = client.get_athlete() # Get your athlete profile
athlete2 = client.get_athlete(227615) # By providing an athlete ID you can access other people
To get a given activity, use the get_activity function and provide activity_id:
activity = client.get_activity(207650614)
# Activity object has many basic properties such as type and distance.
print("type={0.type} distance={1} km".format(activity, unithelper.kilometers(activity.distance)))
Activity information:
# Activities can have many streams, you can request desired stream types
types = ['time', 'latlng', 'altitude', 'heartrate', 'temp', ]
streams = client.get_activity_streams(123, types=types, resolution='medium')
# Result is a dictionary object. The dict's key are the stream type.
if 'altitude' in streams.keys():
List of Activities:
for activity in client.get_activities(after = "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z", limit=5): # To get newest to oldest use before argument.
print("{0.name} {0.moving_time}".format(activity))