Origin: Acquired by the British Museum in 1880 [1].
First Published: 1955 by T G Pinches as LBAT 1420 [2].
Also known as ADT V Lunar Text No.6.
1 [Year I of Nebukad]nezar. Month III, omitted.
2 [Month IX,] omitted.
3 [Year 2. Month II,] (after) 5? (months), omitted. Month VI was intercalary.
4 [Month VII, the 1]4th?, 1 ⅔ bēru 5°, variant 1 ½ bēru, after sunset,
5 it began in the [....] north; half was covered. In the north and west it began
6 [to cl]ear. [1] ½ bēru onset and clearing. The west wind blew.
7 [Year 3.] Month I, omitted. Month VII, omitted.
8 [Year 4. M]onth I, the 13th, middle watch, 3 bēru 5° after sunset,
9 it began in the west and north. Three quarters
10 [was covered.] It cleared in the north. The north wind blew.
11 Month VII, omitted.
12 [Year 5. Month I, omitted.] Month VI₂, om[itted.]
13 [Month XI,] (after) 5 months, 3 ½ bēru after sunset,
14 [....] two-thirds was covered. In the south it was covered. In the west? [it cleared.]
15 [In?] its eclipse, .... [....]
16 [....] .... [....]
1 Month VIII, [....] .... [....]
2 It cleared [in the west] and south [....] ⅔ bēru after [sunset?]
3 Year 11. Month II, [....] 10° after sunset it began
4 it was total, and 10? [....] Month VIII, omitted. Month XII was intercalary.
5 Year 12. Month [I, omitted] Month VII. omitted.
6 Month XII, the 15th. 10? [....nn]° after sunset [....]
7 1 bēru 6° onset [and clearing.]
8 Year 13. Month VI, [omitted]
9 [Month XII, the 1]4th. it came out eclipsed. I bēru 10° [....]
10 [Year 1]4. [Month] VI, [omitted.]
11 [Month XII. omitt]ed .... Month XII [was intercalary]
12 [Year 1]5. Month V, [omitt]ed. Month X[I, omitted.]
13 [Year] 16. Month IV, [omitted.]
14 [Month X,] the 14th. morning watch. ⅔ bēru before sunrise?.
15 half of it was covered. [It set] eclipsed.
16 [Year] 17. Month IV, [omitted.]
17 [Month] X, the 13th, morning watch. 1 bēru 5° [before sunrise?]
18 all of it was covered. [It set eclips]ed.
1' [....] .... [....]
2' .... beginning of night, onset [....]
3' Year 25. Month V, 1 ½ bēru after sunset.
4' Month XI, evening watch, onset.
5' Year 26. Month V, omitted. Month XI, omitted. Month XII was intercalary.
6' Year 27. Month III, (after) 5 (months), omitted. Month IX, omitted.
7' Year 28. Month III, the 14th, ....
8' [....] .... [....] finger remaining
9' [....nn]°, it set eclipsed.
10' [Month IX, the 1]5th? 3 ½ bēru after sunset,
11' it began [in] the east. All of it was covered.
12· It cleared? in the west?. [nn] bēru onset and clearing.
13' Year 29. [Mon]th II, the 14th, [....]
14' 1 bēru 10° before sunrise,
15' [....]
[3, p. 26]
Obv. Col I
III/1 Nebuchadnezzar
1 [Year I of Nebukad]nezar. Month III, omitted.
Obv. Col I
IV+/1 Nebuchadnezzar
2 [Month IX,] omitted.
Obv. Col I
I-V/2 Nebuchadnezzar
3 [Year 2. Month II,] (after) 5? (months), omitted. Month VI was intercalary.
Obv. Col I
VII+/2 Nebuchadnezzar
4 [Month VII, the 1]4th?, 1 ⅔ bēru 5°, variant 1 ½ bēru, after sunset,
5 it began in the [....] north; half was covered. In the north and west it began
6 [to cl]ear. [1] ½ bēru onset and clearing. The west wind blew.
Obv. Col I
I/3 Nebuchadnezzar
7 [Year 3.] Month I, omitted.
Obv. Col I
VII/3 Nebuchadnezzar
7 Month VII, omitted.
Obv. Col I
13/I/4 Nebuchadnezzar
8 [Year 4. M]onth I, the 13th, middle watch, 3 bēru 5° after sunset,
9 it began in the west and north. Three quarters
10 [was covered.] It cleared in the north. The north wind blew.
Obv. Col I
VII/4 Nebuchadnezzar
11 Month VII, omitted.
Obv. Col I
I-VI/5 Nebuchadnezzar
12 [Year 5. Month I, omitted.]
Obv. Col I
VI₂/5 Nebuchadnezzar
12 Month VI₂, om[itted.]
Obv. Col I
VII+/5 Nebuchadnezzar
13 [Month XI,] (after) 5 months, 3 ½ bēru after sunset,
14 [....] two-thirds was covered. In the south it was covered. In the west? [it cleared.]
15 [In?] its eclipse, .... [....]
Obv. Col II
VIII/10 Nebuchadnezzar
1 Month VIII, [....] .... [....]
2 It cleared [in the west] and south [....] ⅔ bēru after [sunset?]
Obv. Col II
II/11 Nebuchadnezzar
3 Year 11. Month II, [....] 10° after sunset it began
4 it was total, and 10? [....]
Obv. Col II
VIII/11 Nebuchadnezzar
4 Month VIII, omitted. Month XII was intercalary.
Obv. Col II
I-VI/12 Nebuchadnezzar
5 Year 12. Month [I, omitted]
Obv. Col II
VII/12 Nebuchadnezzar
5 Month VII. omitted.
Obv. Col II
15/XII/12 Nebuchadnezzar
6 Month XII, the 15th. 10? [....nn]° after sunset [....]
7 1 bēru 6° onset [and clearing.]
Obv. Col II
VI/13 Nebuchadnezzar
8 Year 13. Month VI, [omitted]
Obv. Col II
VII+/13 Nebuchadnezzar
9 [Month XII, the 1]4th. it came out eclipsed. I bēru 10° [....]
Obv. Col II
VI/14 Nebuchadnezzar
10 [Year 1]4. [Month] VI, [omitted.]
Obv. Col II
VII-XII/14 Nebuchadnezzar
11 [Month XII. omitt]ed .... Month XII [was intercalary]
Obv. Col II
V/15 Nebuchadnezzar
12 [Year 1]5. Month V, [omitt]ed.
Obv. Col II
X+/15 Nebuchadnezzar
12 Month X[I, omitted.]
Obv. Col II
IV/16 Nebuchadnezzar
13 [Year] 16. Month IV, [omitted.]
Obv. Col II
14/V+/16 Nebuchadnezzar
14 [Month X,] the 14th. morning watch. ⅔ bēru before sunrise?.
15 half of it was covered. [It set] eclipsed.
Obv. Col II
IV/17 Nebuchadnezzar
16 [Year] 17. Month IV, [omitted.]
Obv. Col II
13/X/17 Nebuchadnezzar
17 [Month] X, the 13th, morning watch. 1 bēru 5° [before sunrise?]
18 all of it was covered. [It set eclips]ed.
Rev. Col III
?/24 Nebuchadnezzar
1' [....] .... [....]
2' .... beginning of night, onset [....]
Rev. Col III
V/25 Nebuchadnezzar
3' Year 25. Month V, 1 ½ bēru after sunset.
Rev. Col III
XI/25 Nebuchadnezzar
4' Month XI, evening watch, onset.
Rev. Col III
V/26 Nebuchadnezzar
5' Year 26. Month V, omitted.
Rev. Col III
XI/26 Nebuchadnezzar
5' Month XI, omitted. Month XII was intercalary.
Rev. Col III
III/27 Nebuchadnezzar
6' Year 27. Month III, (after) 5 (months), omitted.
Rev. Col III
IX/27 Nebuchadnezzar
6' Month IX, omitted.
Rev. Col III
14/III/28 Nebuchadnezzar
7' Year 28. Month III, the 14th, ....
8' [....] .... [....] finger remaining
9' [....nn]°, it set eclipsed.
Rev. Col III
IV+/28 Nebuchadnezzar
10' [Month IX, the 1]5th? 3 ½ bēru after sunset,
11' it began [in] the east. All of it was covered.
12· It cleared? in the west?. [nn] bēru onset and clearing.
Rev. Col III
14/II/29 Nebuchadnezzar
13' Year 29. [Mon]th II, the 14th, [....]
14' 1 bēru 10° before sunrise,
When testing years in the range -655 to -525 the best match for Nebuchadnezzar’s 1st year is -603.
Year Score
-603 34.35132638678879
-556 30.298552941775657
-621 29.9900630025739
-574 27.626060428193423
-639 26.49000004986601
-622 25.595967858375296
-623 14.293362527109695
-624 10.330333333333341
Calendar Date | Event | Matched UT | Comment |
1/I/1 | Calendar: First day of year | -603 April 01 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/III/1 | Predicted Eclipse | -603 June 13 | |
?/IV+/1 | Predicted Eclipse | -603 Nov 07 | (Or -603 Dec 06, see below) |
1/I/2 | Calendar: First day of year | -602 March 21 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/I-V/2 | Predicted Eclipse | -602 May 03 | |
?/VII+/2 | Partial Eclipse, 45° after sunset, 15° duration | -602 Oct 27 | Partial, 56.5° after sunset, 38.9° duration |
1/I/3 | Calendar: First day of year | -601 April 09 | Equinox on March 28 |
?/I/3 | Predicted Eclipse | -601 April 22 | |
?/VII/3 | Predicted Eclipse | -601 Oct 17 | |
1/I/4 | Calendar: First day of year | -600 March 29 | Equinox on March 27 |
13/I/4 | Partial Eclipse, 95° after sunset | -600 April 11 | Partial, 92.3° after sunset |
?/VII/4 | Predicted Eclipse | -600 Oct 05 | |
1/I/5 | Calendar: First day of year | -599 March 18 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/I-IV/5 | Predicted Eclipse | -599 March 31 | |
?/VI₂/5 | Predicted Eclipse | -599 Sept 24 | |
?/VII+/5 | Partial Eclipse, 105° after sunset | -598 Feb 20 | Partial, 87.2° after sunset |
1/I/10 | Calendar: First day of year | -594 April 21 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/VIII/10 | Lunar Eclipse | -594 Nov 27 | |
1/I/11 | Calendar: First day of year | -593 April 10 | Equinox on March 28 |
?/II/11 | Total Eclipse, 10° after sunset | -593 May 23 | Total, 22.6° after sunset |
?/VIII/11 | Predicted Eclipse | -593 Nov 17 | |
1/I/12 | Calendar: First day of year | -592 April 29 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/I-VI/12 | Predicted Eclipse | -592 May 12 | |
?/VII/12 | Predicted Eclipse | -592 Nov 05 | |
15/XII/12 | Lunar Eclipse, 36° length | No Match | (An eclipse was one day earlier, see below) |
1/I/13 | Calendar: First day of year | -591 April 18 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/VI/13 | Predicted Eclipse | -591 Sept 26 | |
?/VII+/13 | Lunar Eclipse | -590 March 22 | |
1/I/14 | Calendar: First day of year | -590 April 07 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/VI/14 | Predicted Eclipse | -590 Sept 15 | |
?/VII-XII/14 | Predicted Eclipse | -589 March 12 | |
1/I/15 | Calendar: First day of year | -589 April 26 | Equinox on March 28 |
?/V/15 | Predicted Eclipse | -589 Sept 04 | |
?/X+/15 | Predicted Eclipse | -588 Jan 31 | (Or -588 Feb 29, see below) |
1/I/16 | Calendar: First day of year | -588 April 14 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/IV/16 | Predicted Eclipse | -588 July 25 | |
?/V+/16 | Partial Eclipse, 20° before sunrise | -587 Jan 19 | Partial, 32.1° before sunrise |
1/I/17 | Calendar: First day of year | -587 April 03 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/IV/17 | Predicted Eclipse | -587 July 15 | |
13/X/17 | Total Eclipse, 35° before sunrise | -586 Jan 08 | Total, 33.9° before sunrise |
1/I/24 | Calendar: First day of year | -580 April 16 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/?/24 | Predicted Eclipse, shortly after sunset | -580 Aug 25 | (Or -579 Feb 19, see below) |
1/I/25 | Calendar: First day of year | -579 April 05 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/V/25 | Lunar Eclipse, 45° after sunset | -579 Aug 14 | 47.9° after sunset |
?/XI/25 | Lunar Eclipse, first third of night | -578 Feb 08 | 8.8° after sunset |
1/I/26 | Calendar: First day of year | -578 March 25 | Equinox on March 27 |
?/V/26 | Predicted Eclipse | -578 Aug 04 | |
?/XI/26 | Predicted Eclipse | -577 Jan 28 | |
1/I/27 | Calendar: First day of year | -577 April 13 | Equinox on March 28 |
?/III/27 | Predicted Eclipse | -577 June 25 | |
?/IX/27 | Predicted Eclipse | -577 Dec 19 | |
1/I/28 | Calendar: First day of year | -576 April 02 | Equinox on March 27 |
14/III/28 | Lunar Eclipse | -576 June 14 | |
?/IV+/28 | Total Eclipse, 105° after sunset | -576 Dec 08 | Total, 108.7° after sunset |
1/I/29 | Calendar: First day of year | -575 April 21 | Equinox on March 27 |
14/II/29 | Lunar Eclipse, 40° before sunrise | -575 June 03 | 33.1° before sunrise |
My eclipse results match those of H Hunger [3, p. 396], with the following exceptions:
Text | Calendar Date | My Date | Hunger | Explanation |
Col I, 2 | ?/IV+/1 | -603 Nov 07 | -603 Dec 06 | Both penumbral eclipses, in month VIII or IX |
Col II, 6-7 | 15/XII/12 | No Match | -591 Apr 2 | There was a matching eclipse, 35.9° duration, but it should actually be for the sunset after 14th of the month, since first lunar visibility was on March 19 |
Col II, 12 | ?/X+/15 | -588 Jan 31 | -588 Feb 29 | Both penumbral eclipses, in month X or XI |
Col III, 1-2 | ?/?/24 | -580 Aug 25 | -579 Feb 19 | Partial eclipse Aug 25 in month V, or Total eclipse Feb 19 in month XI. Although neither were shortly after sunset. |
[1] “BM38462,” The British Museum. [Online]. Available: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/W_1880-1112-345.
[2] T. G. Pinches, A. J. Sachs, and J. N. Strassmaier, Late Babylonian Astronomical and Related Texts: Copied by T.G. Pinches and J.N. Strassmaier. Brown University Press, 1955.
[3] H. Hunger, Astronomical diaries and related texts from Babylonia. Volume V, Lunar and Planetary Texts. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2001.