These recipes assume that you are using react-router
, but the principles should apply to any routing solution.
Routing can be changed based on data by using react lifecycle hooks such as componentWillMount
, and componentWillReceiveProps
to route users. This can be particularly useful when doing things such as route protection (only allowing a user to view a route if they are logged in):
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { compose } from 'redux'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { isLoaded, isEmpty } from 'react-redux-firebase'
class ProtectedPage extends Component {
static propTypes = {
authExists: PropTypes.bool,
componentWillReceiveProps({ authExists }) {
if (authExists) {
this.context.router.push('/login') // redirect to /login if not authed
render() {
return (
You are authed!
export default connect(
({ firebase: { auth } }) => ({ authExists: !!auth && !!auth.uid })
Using redux-auth-wrapper
you can easily create a Higher Order Component (wrapper) that can be used to redirect users based on Firebase state (including auth).
In order to only allow authenticated users to view a page, a UserIsAuthenticated
Higher Order Component can be created:
react-router v4 + redux-auth-wrapper v2
Make sure to install history
using npm i --save history
import locationHelperBuilder from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history4/locationHelper';
import { connectedRouterRedirect } from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history4/redirect'
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
import LoadingScreen from 'components/LoadingScreen'; // change it to your custom component
const locationHelper = locationHelperBuilder({});
const history = createHistory()
export const UserIsAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({
wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAuthenticated',
AuthenticatingComponent: LoadingScreen,
allowRedirectBack: true,
redirectPath: (state, ownProps) =>
locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/login',
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { auth, profile, isInitializing } }) =>
!auth.isLoaded || isInitializing === true,
authenticatedSelector: ({ firebase: { auth } }) =>
auth.isLoaded && !auth.isEmpty,
redirectAction: newLoc => (dispatch) => {
browserHistory.replace(newLoc); // or routerActions.replace
dispatch({ type: 'UNAUTHED_REDIRECT' });
export const UserIsNotAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({
wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsNotAuthenticated',
AuthenticatingComponent: LoadingScreen,
allowRedirectBack: false,
redirectPath: (state, ownProps) =>
locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/',
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { auth, isInitializing } }) =>
!auth.isLoaded || isInitializing === true,
authenticatedSelector: ({ firebase: { auth } }) =>
auth.isLoaded && auth.isEmpty,
redirectAction: newLoc => (dispatch) => {
browserHistory.replace(newLoc); // or routerActions.replace
dispatch({ type: 'UNAUTHED_REDIRECT' });
Then it can be used as a Higher Order Component wrapper on a component:
standard ES5/ES6
export default UserIsAuthenticated(ProtectedThing)
es7 decorators
@UserIsAuthenticated // redirects to '/login' if user not is logged in
export default class ProtectedThing extends Component {
render() {
return (
You are authed!
Or it can be used at the route level:
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="login" component={Login}/>
<Route path="foo" component={UserIsAuthenticated(Foo)}/>
redux-auth-wrapper v1
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import { UserAuthWrapper } from 'redux-auth-wrapper'
export const UserIsAuthenticated = UserAuthWrapper({
wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsAuthenticated',
authSelector: ({ firebase: { auth } }) => auth,
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { auth, isInitializing } }) =>
!auth.isLoaded || isInitializing === true,
predicate: auth => !auth.isEmpty,
redirectAction: (newLoc) => (dispatch) => {
// routerActions.replace // if using react-router-redux
payload: { message: 'You must be authenticated.' },
Just as easily as creating a wrapper for redirect if a user is not logged in, we can create one that redirects if a user IS authenticated. This can be useful for pages that you do not want a logged in user to see, such as the login page.
react-router v4 + redux-auth-wrapper v2
import locationHelperBuilder from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history4/locationHelper';
import { connectedRouterRedirect } from 'redux-auth-wrapper/history4/redirect'
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
import LoadingScreen from 'components/LoadingScreen'; // change it to your custom component
const locationHelper = locationHelperBuilder({})
const history = createHistory()
export const UserIsNotAuthenticated = connectedRouterRedirect({
wrapperDisplayName: 'UserIsNotAuthenticated',
AuthenticatingComponent: LoadingScreen,
allowRedirectBack: false,
redirectPath: (state, ownProps) =>
locationHelper.getRedirectQueryParam(ownProps) || '/',
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { auth, isInitializing } }) =>
!auth.isLoaded || isInitializing === true,
authenticatedSelector: ({ firebase: { auth } }) =>
auth.isLoaded && auth.isEmpty,
redirectAction: newLoc => (dispatch) => {
// routerActions.replace or other redirect
dispatch({ type: 'UNAUTHED_REDIRECT' });
Can then be used on a Login route component:
import React from 'react'
import { compose } from 'redux'
import { withFirebase } from 'react-redux-firebase'
const Login = ({ firebase }) => (
<button onClick={() => firebase.login({ provider: 'google' })}>
Google Login
export default compose(
UserIsNotAuthenticated, // redirects to '/' if user is logged in
withFirebase // adds this.props.firebase
react-router v3 and earlier + redux-auth-wrapper v1
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import { UserAuthWrapper } from 'redux-auth-wrapper'
import LoadingScreen from '../components/LoadingScreen'; // change it to your custom component
export const UserIsNotAuthenticated = UserAuthWrapper({
failureRedirectPath: '/',
authSelector: ({ firebase: { auth } }) => auth,
authenticatingSelector: ({ firebase: { auth, isInitializing } }) =>
!auth.isLoaded || isInitializing === true,
predicate: auth => auth.isEmpty,
redirectAction: (newLoc) => (dispatch) => {
payload: { message: 'User is authenticated. Redirecting home...' }