Windows x64, Windows i386, and Mac installer release.
- Additional Lua Documentation - 0bba0c6 f099fe7 578d009 bb1ccef
- Automatic bulk ReplayData uploading - aeb0ae6 3829803 9fd9726 7692d4e
- Chart Leaderboard ReplayData Retrieval - a3488c0 272d516 bab7a02 537ed28 0251c75
- Clicking the scrollbar by the MusicWheel actually moves the wheel - a231159 6c5818d b9c41ce
- Experimental Chart Request API - 58ad984 c516ef4 a0dbb00 ef32fc2
- Experimental Text Hyperlink Methods - 005753b
- Fallback MusicWheel Lua Script - 0bba0c6
- Lua access to a new function to play a Song's Sample Music with Chart Preview behavior - 0c976a2 8921bff e5dbf4a
- Lua access to a new function to play a Song's Sample Music with default behavior - e2f0713
- Lua access to see the number of columns in a given Steps - 86e7401
- Lua library Functional for some data structures - d6639aa 3ea88b2
- Mouse clicking on the Profile Select Screen - 7aaf002
- Minanyms - a9694d3
- Multiplayer
- Censored Password Entry - 0e6ef97
- Chat Overlay largely reworked - 31dc372 dd8d84d 15cab85 5dc5da3 c81e4c4 16232b4 293cb1e 757d431 315e832 07269e0 ab1c596 16754ad c211afb 0e4d75c 3f0c97c 1fc925b 1c3b3d9 e277fb9 794c2ba
- Disable Enter in Evaluation for chatting - 3471e61
- Disable the Up/Double Enter option menus because it's too hard to track, put it in a clickable button - 63d09a7 e4156ea 563c0a5 8ef1367
- Disable Replay stuff - 12e420a
- ETTP is functional - eed136a 84408cf
- Force Start & Ready (These are buttons which run a chat command) - f265c01 906e014 dddf317
- Functionality to be as similar as possible to offline (Mouse support and everything else) - cdd6f5c a47dc0a 5dc5da3 9f1bf36 76c8cb0 cd5e1eb 3d654ca e97af08 700d551 ea54daf 6268b34 381ea18 161c7dc fef34cf bc4af4c c59523b 4689f71 2a6d3ec
- Gameplay Scoreboard - 4d57974 afb7ca6 9636b74 80fc6f0 ad12946 fef34cf 0a441a3 498fe44 6691415 232db26 e67ecf1 81dc77b
- Lua access to Get & Set Evaluation Player - 3471e61 7fb3f21 27991d5
- Lua access to Lobby Evaluation Scores - 1fd2973
- Other basic Multiplayer functionality to be as similar as possible to old Multiplayer - db12e12 fef34cf d338256 d9e1e56 f7a2d2e
- Proper Userlist in ETTP - b23caaf 06c8625 54372aa 7d0af34
- Refactored Network Evaluation - 4ffcd4c 42212e3 9272e30 a36c0ff ac0e00c ebee9f5 151e9ea e95c5d6 cd1cb97
- Some charts will not work due to UTF-8 - e8f3cf4
- Uncensored Username Entry - cbda3e4
- New Evaluation ScreenType - e658b67
- Online Replay Watching - d5d51a0 272d516 bab7a02 570bcae ade036b 0251c75
- Preference to use the stb_image library - 2768f10
- Rate scaling for the Chord Density Graph - a721e49 8b10aca 3539b08 f9a0e1f
- Recursive functions added to Actors for Mouseover & Visibility Checks - 56f5e99 01e7bd1
- Retrieval methods for getting the Fake Parent of an Actor - 5249e8f 6b157fe
- Screen methods to allow running Commands at set intervals or timeout - 6dece16 c512d3a 21f1984 ffee38b 3690d47 41a5c24 dc0337a ee81d6d
- Simple function to unload all ReplayData - 09aa87b
- stb_image library to replace instances of RageSurface - 23faeac 4930af5 4930af5 7d58c1b
- Chart Preview details the Song Position at the cursor - c01495e
- Chart Preview refactoring & fixes
- Delete the NoteField if there is no Music - 584f2a8 54811f5
- Keep Density Graph bars in bounds - 55ad823
- Misc refactoring & fixes - 869469a 264fb63 700d551
- Premature Fadeout & Joke Sample Music Handling - 3f17b7c
- Transfer music control to Lua - decdc66 23022b8 9d52f99 9036e6d 343c13d f88caa2 19bbc4b
- Unload NoteData in use - 54811f5
- clang-format was run on the source - 13581f7
- Clarify and correct Chart Preview X position centering code - 47ed239
- Collect Garbage from Lua in SelectMusic - c708453
- Color Config takes Menu Direction input instead of Gameplay input - 5d880bc
- Default Texture Resolution lowered to 1024 - bcd2e81
- Don't save the Profile every time the Playlists are touched because it lags - 6d4a331
- Don't unload ReplayData everywhere - ce2a40b
- Don't update the Chord Density Graph if it isn't visible - 29eafa3
- Double the check for a Song being loaded by checking by Chartkey that it exists via a Steps object & a Song object - 5ffb8aa
- DownloadManager's Downloadable Packlist got moved to Lua - 8da0bbd 8d67f03 9f51065 b3fd361 460f3a1
- Garbage Collecting RageTextures shouldn't make copies of them - a739d7c
- Guarantee that Chart Preview visibility is what it should be - 5f83ccd
- Improving Watching & Evaluation Viewing from ReplayData
- Installer will delete more old Theme folders - 381ea18
- Lower resolution of some fonts - 319f4b0
- Make sure that Uploading Scores is done by Scorekey and not Chartkey - 08fb18d
- Misc Lua Cleanup
- Optimize checks for Song Groups on the MusicWheel for Song Load - da66a81 75f62ee
- Put the background back on the Display Percent in Gameplay - 37ef602
- Put the ReplayData unloader at the start of Gameplay - 54a0f9d 391327b
- Replace instances of NULL with nullptr - 00c04d4 49baed2 58de944
- Set FailOff for all Replays due to unexpected bugs with Failing & Misses - a16f36d
- Set many regular string parameters to be const refs - dd03122 58de944
- Status updating for Chart Leaderboards is not correct enough - 4dedc2e
- Uploading Scores with ReplayData also uploads Noterows - da6e59a 10d4855 21d4393
- Vanilla Stepmania Documentation is moved to a Legacy folder - aff1e92 f311816 b71dae5
- Dead metrics options - 180feaa
- Experimental Overratedness Calculator - dd03122
- Lua Actor method to AddChild - 333eefb
- Reference to Courses - 2337ca0
- SMO Related Lua - 76c8cb0 5ba071e
- SMO Related Protocol - 6803d0a d0af8d6
- Unused source folders - 736439b b44b6d5
- Bulk Score Upload function failed due to lambda function - 25742cb 8bd3e8f
- Cancelled downloads broke everything and didn't delete - bcb5fb8
- Chart Leaderboard Retrieval was internally broken - a3488c0
- Crashed when changing to a Song with more than 12 Difficulties - 471e805
- Crashed when attempting to add a Pack to a Playlist - 30c345a
- Crashed when attempting to make a Goal on a Pack - 79709a5
- Edit Profile Screen softlocked - 45da444
- Linux couldn't build due to type inference in a lambda function - 63846a2
- Lua function parameters for RequestChartLeaderboard didn't actually do anything - dbaa975 b938222 1e21ae0 4509801 478c9cc 5ec7f71
- Manual ReplayData upload function failed due to invalid JSON - 3e872ee
- Mines caused a Lua-sided Judge Rescoring error - a19738c
- Misses were not in the Gameplay Leaderboard - 2592c6b
- Non-floating Scores tab didn't respond to Rate changes - aad0c4e
- Osu files didn't work in Multiplayer & have no internal filename - 79dd2d1
- Permamirror did nothing - 3c2c634
- Popular Sort didn't work - b16c1d3
- Scores tab didn't not update when switching to it - 8a5dbba d0f9776
- Score Uploading crashed due to null Steps - 4052c14
- Song folder sitting directly in the Songs folder just crashed the game. Instead, throw it into an unsorted list - fefadeb 3c3a5db