# This is commented code.
-#' This is also commented code.
Essentials of R for Infectious Disease Modelling
-This document provides a summary of R commands that will be useful to learn or refresh in preparation for this “Modelling for Pandemic Preparedness and Response” in-person course.
-There are links in various places which will take you to web sites that provide further information, if you would like more detail on any particular concept. A good general and detailed introduction to R is provided in the R manual.
-To render this document, you will need the latet version of R, and Quarto.
-The aim of this session is to introduce you to the basics of R programming.
-This tutorial is organised in three parts from the basics of R through intermediate R to how to use R build compartmental models of infectious disease dynamics.
-The best thing to do is to read the text and run the code chunk to see the results. All the data needed is in the /data/
Part 1: Basic concepts
-Commenting code
-Within R code, anything behind a #
or #'
are “commented” out and won’t be executed. It is good coding practice to comment your code as you go through.
You can use this in your R file to add comments about what the code is doing in your own words.
-Working directory
-The first step when creating a new R file is to specify a working directory. This is the folder on your computer in which you are working. It is likely to be the folder in which the R code is saved (but it doesn’t have to be).
-Each computer will have a different specified address for the working directory. Upon opening R, you can find out “where you are” using
-getwd() # Where am I now?
[1] "/Users/lshja16/Documents/Git_repositories/_Work/GWAC/mppr/tutorials"
-You need to tell the R session where you want it to work. To do this you use the command to “set the working directory” or setwd()
In general, explicitly setting the working directory is problematic as it is tied to only your computer and anyone else using your code may not be able to access the paths you specified.
-For a more reproducible approach, two approaches are strongly recommended:
- use an Rproj file, or -
- use the here R package. According to the README of the
package, “[it] creates paths relative to the top-level directory. The package displays the top-level of the current project on load or any time you call here()”.
Let’s see how here()
::here() here
[1] "/Users/lshja16/Documents/Git_repositories/_Work/GWAC/mppr"
-What happened? Can you compare your result with the person next to you?
-Another example, let’s specify the path to the data
[1] "/Users/lshja16/Documents/Git_repositories/_Work/GWAC/mppr/data"
-And the path to the data/data.csv
here("data", "data.csv")
[1] "/Users/lshja16/Documents/Git_repositories/_Work/GWAC/mppr/data/data.csv"
-The result you see here will adapt to the computer on which you’re working.
-Moving forward, we will construct paths using the here()
function, so make sure you understand it. Check especially the section on reading in data below.
Mathematical operations in R
-The following symbols represent
- multiplication:
- - addition:
- - subtraction:
- - assignment:
Help files
-To find help in R you can use several different commands. For example, if you wanted to know more about the “sum” command you would type:
- ?sum ??sum
The first two are equivalent, whilst the last will do a full text search of all R’s help files. This is most useful when you aren’t sure of what the exact function is called in R. In RStudio, there is also the option to search the help tab in the bottom right window. Google is also very useful for finding commands.
-Can you use ??
to find out how you would generate binomial random numbers in R?
Data structures
-Data structures define how a value should be stored and manipulated.
-The most common data types you will be working with are: vectors, lists, matrices, data frames, and factors. More information on data types in R can be found in many places on the web, for example the R programming wikibook.
-Vectors are an ordered collection of simple elements such as numbers or strings. They can be created with the c()
<- c(1, 3, 6, 1)
- a a
[1] 1 3 6 1
-An individual member at position i
can be accessed with [i]
So the second element of a
2] a[
[1] 3
-Importantly, vectors can be named. We will use this to define parameters for an SIR model. For a named vector, simply specify the names as you create the vector
-<- c(start = 3, inc = 2, end = 17)
- b b
start inc end
- 3 2 17
-The elements of a named vector can be accessed both by index
-2] b[
- 2
-and by name
-"inc"] b[
- 2
-To strip the names from a named vector, one can use double brackets
-"inc"]] b[[
[1] 2
-2]] b[[
[1] 2
-or the unname
[1] 3 2 17
-Several functions exist to conveniently create simple vectors. To create a vector of equal elements, we can use rep()
rep(3, times = 10)
[1] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
-To create a sequence, we can use seq
seq(from = 3, to = 11, by = 2)
[1] 3 5 7 9 11
-If the increments are by 1, we can also use a colon
[1] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
-To create a sequence that starts at 1
with increments of 1
, we can use seq_len()
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
-To create a sequence along the length of a vector, use seq_along()
[1] 1 2 3
-Lists are different from vectors in that elements of a list can be anything (including more lists, vectors, etc.), and not all elements have to be of the same type either.
-<- list("cabbage", c(3,4,1))
- l l
-[1] "cabbage"
-[1] 3 4 1
-Similar to vectors, list elements can be named:
-<- list(text = "cabbage", numbers = c(3,4,1))
- l l
-[1] "cabbage"
-[1] 3 4 1
-The meaning of brackets for lists is different to vectors. Single brackets return a list of one element
-"text"] l[
-[1] "cabbage"
-whereas double brackets return the element itself (not within a list)
-"text"]] l[[
[1] "cabbage"
-For named lists, you can do the same thing above with a $
$"text" l
[1] "cabbage"
-More on the meanings of single and double brackets, as well as details on another notation for accessing elements (using the dollar sign) can be found in the R language specification.
-Data frames
-Data frames are 2-dimensional extensions of vectors. They can be thought of as the R-version of an Excel spreadsheet.
-<- data.frame(a = c(2, 3, 0), b = c(1, 4, 5))
- df df
a b
-1 2 1
-2 3 4
-3 0 5
-Every column of a data frame is a vector.
-Data frames themselves have a version of single and double bracket notation for accessing elements. Single brackets return a 1-column data frame
-"a"] df[
-1 2
-2 3
-3 0
-whereas double brackets return the column as a vector
-"a"]] df[[
[1] 2 3 0
-To access a row, we use single brackets and specify the row we want to access before a comma
-2, ] df[
a b
-2 3 4
-Note that this returns a data frame (with one row). A data frame itself is a list, and a data frame of one row can be converted to a named vector using unlist
unlist(df[2, ])
a b
-3 4
-We can also select multiple rows
-c(1,2), ] df[
a b
-1 2 1
-2 3 4
-We can select a column, or multiple columns, after the comma
-2, "a"] df[
[1] 3
-Matrices are also 2-dimensional data structures in R. They can be created with the matrix()
Here is how to create a matrix of 0’s. What do the 4
and 2
arguments represent?
<- matrix(0, 4, 2) # matrix of zeros of size 4 x 2
- m # let's look at m m
[,1] [,2]
-[1,] 0 0
-[2,] 0 0
-[3,] 0 0
-[4,] 0 0
-You can subset matrices by referring to the index of one or more rows and columns, similar to data.frames
-1, ] # first row m[
[1] 0 0
-1] # first column m[,
[1] 0 0 0 0
-You can assign new elements to the rows or columns using the subsetting operation
-1] <- c(2, 3)
- m[, m
[,1] [,2]
-[1,] 2 0
-[2,] 3 0
-[3,] 2 0
-[4,] 3 0
-Can you explain what happened? What is it called in R?
-What happens when you assign more elements than there are in the matrix?
-1] <- c(2, 3, 9) m[,
What does the error mean?
-The difference between matrices and data.frames in R is that matrices can only contain one class of data but data.frame columns can contain different classes.
-Can you generate a matrix of size 10 x 5, filled with 2s except for the first column that has the sequence 1 to 10?
-Factors are used to define categorical data in R. Factors are also useful for working with characters in a non-alphabetical order.
-You create a factor with the factor()
# Create a factor
-<- factor(c("Jazz", "Rock", "Classic", "Classic", "Pop", "Jazz", "Rock", "Jazz"))
- music_genre music_genre
[1] Jazz Rock Classic Classic Pop Jazz Rock Jazz
-Levels: Classic Jazz Pop Rock
-To see the levels in the factor, use the levels()
[1] "Classic" "Jazz" "Pop" "Rock"
-You can define your own factor levels
-<- c("Man", "Male", "Man", "Lady", "Female")
- x ## Map from 4 different values to only two levels:
-<- factor(x, levels = c("Male", "Man" , "Lady", "Female"))
- xf xf
[1] Man Male Man Lady Female
-Levels: Male Man Lady Female
-A quick note here on “not a numbers”. In R these are NA
or NaN
. This is usually an error or the result of a silly division. 0/0 1/0 # Infinity = Inf
R packages
-As R is open source, it is being developed and added to all the time. It is likely that you may need commands that are not in the standard R programme that you have installed.
-To get access to these other functions, you need to install ‘packages’. These contain ‘libraries’ of functions, already coded into R, that can perform new or different functions.
-There are two ways to do this: 1) In RStudio, go to the “Packages” tab and search for the required package and load it. 2) Type replacing “packagename” with the name of the package you would like to install.
For example, can you install the package deSolve
? We will use this to solve ordinary differential equations later on in this practical.
Once installed you then have to load the package at the start of the R file. This is done using
-library(deSolve) # load in the deSolve library of functions
Reading in data
-In order to read in data, the first thing to do is to check that you are pointing R at the right folder by setting the appropriate working directory. To do this make sure you point R to wherever you have decided to store your files.
-There are many ways to read in data. Here, as we have ‘.csv’ files we could either use read.table()
. Note the use of the here
package. Do you understand how it works?
<- read.table(here("data", "data.csv"), header = TRUE, sep = ",") mydata
or read.csv()
<- read.csv(here("data", "data.csv")) flu_hh
Here both mydata
and flu_hh
are the same data.
How would you check that the two data sets are the same?
-Hint: Check ?setequal
The data is read in in the form of a data.frame
. This is a type of data format in R that allows the inclusion of both numbers and strings (letters). There is more information on reading in data in the R for Data Science book.
There are several useful tools to look at the data we have read in. Run the following code line by line and make sure you understand how it works. If not sure, see the help file and if still unsure, ask a tutor.
- flu_hh
time num_inf
-1 0 0
-2 5 1
-3 10 22
-4 15 67
-5 20 48
-6 25 30
-7 30 10
-8 35 5
-9 40 3
-10 45 2
-11 50 3
-12 55 2
-13 60 1
-14 65 1
-15 70 0
[1] 15 2
time num_inf
-1 0 0
-2 5 1
-3 10 22
-4 15 67
-5 20 48
-6 25 30
time num_inf
-10 45 2
-11 50 3
-12 55 2
-13 60 1
-14 65 1
-15 70 0
-1] flu_hh[,
[1] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
-$num_inf flu_hh
[1] 0 1 22 67 48 30 10 5 3 2 3 2 1 1 0
-1,] flu_hh[
time num_inf
-1 0 0
[1] "time" "num_inf"
-<- flu_hh[,1]
- times times
[1] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
-2] times[
[1] 5
- How would you go about finding the maximum time in this data? -
- At what time is the number of cases at its maximum? See if you can write code to do this yourself. Hint: See
Writing data to file
-In order to output data, there is a write equivalent to read (again make sure you are in the appropriate working directory):
-write.table(flu_hh, here("outputs", "flu_hh.txt"), sep = "\t") # Save as tab delimited
-write.csv(flu_hh, here("outputs", "flu_hh.csv")) # or as csv
Part 2: Intermediate concepts
-Plotting in base R
-R has inbuilt useful functions for creating plots. The command plot()
creates a new plot window which can then be added to using lines()
or points()
Run ?plot
What type of plot does plot()
create by default?
By default plot
will create a plot with points, to alter this to create a line plot, use the type = "l"
command as shown below. Run the following and try to understand what happened.
plot(flu_hh[, 1], flu_hh[, 2]) # Points
plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "p") # Points
plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "l") # Lines
plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "l", col = "red") # Red line
plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number") # Label axis
You can also alter the size of the axis to focus on certain areas. For example, use the time the maximum proportion occurs to focus on the increase in the outbreak only.
-<- flu_hh[,1]
- times <- max(times) # Maximum time
- max_time # At what time is the number maximum?
-<- max(flu_hh[, "num_inf"])
- max_num <- which(flu_hh[, "num_inf"] == max_num) # very useful function which! searches through for matching entries and gives index back
- w <- flu_hh[w, "time"]
- time_max_prop plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number", xlim = c(0, time_max_prop))
In order to save plots, again you need to check you are in the correct working directory. Then open a file and insert the plot like this:
-jpeg(here("figures", "flu_hh.jpg")) # or pdf etc.
-plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number") # what do you want to go into the file
-dev.off() # magic plot command - if things break do this until error
- 2
-You can also plot multiple plots together. For example, using the par
command, you can divide the window and then place the plots within it.
pdf(here("figures", "all_plot.pdf"), height = 8, width = 8)
-par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) # if want to plot several plots on to one window in rows x column formation e.g. here 2 x 2
-plot(flu_hh[, 1], flu_hh[, 2]) # Points
-plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"]) # Points
-lines(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"]) # add lines to the same plot (and vice versa for points)
-plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "l", col = "red") # Red line
-plot(flu_hh[, "time"], flu_hh[, "num_inf"], type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number") # Label axis
-dev.off() # stops the par command - one window per plot
- 2
-Loops and conditional statements
-This section discusses the basic structural syntax of R: loops, conditional statements, and the apply
family of functions.
-There are three types of loops in R: for
, while
, and repeat
. We will explore the for
loop here and leave the other two as as exercise to you. See this reference to learn more about them.
A for
loop in R is written using the word in
and a vector of values that the loop variable takes. For example, to create the square of the numbers from 1 to 10, we can write
<- NULL # to be populated
- squares for (i in 1:10) {
-<- i * i
- squares[i]
- } squares
[1] 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
-Or to fill a vector with the first 50 Fibonacci numbers:
-<- 50 # a number that we can then change easily that is used several times later.
- nf # Tip: easier to put in one place than change multiple
-<- matrix(0, 1, nf) # Empty vector to fill
- fibo 1] <- 0
- fibo[2] <- 1
- fibo[for (i in 3:nf) {
-<- fibo[(i - 2)] + fibo[i - 1]
- fibo[i] <- i / 2 # what will happen to mm over time? be careful not to overwrite things
- mm
- }plot(seq(1:nf), fibo, type = "l")
In the above example, we built an empty vector to fill within the for
loop. However, we may not know the end size of the resulting vector and so in this case can instead concatenate:
<- c(0, 1)
- fibo for (i in 3:nf) {
-<- c(fibo, fibo[(i - 2)] + fibo[i - 1])
- fibo print(length(fibo))
- }
[1] 3
-[1] 4
-[1] 5
-[1] 6
-[1] 7
-[1] 8
-[1] 9
-[1] 10
-[1] 11
-[1] 12
-[1] 13
-[1] 14
-[1] 15
-[1] 16
-[1] 17
-[1] 18
-[1] 19
-[1] 20
-[1] 21
-[1] 22
-[1] 23
-[1] 24
-[1] 25
-[1] 26
-[1] 27
-[1] 28
-[1] 29
-[1] 30
-[1] 31
-[1] 32
-[1] 33
-[1] 34
-[1] 35
-[1] 36
-[1] 37
-[1] 38
-[1] 39
-[1] 40
-[1] 41
-[1] 42
-[1] 43
-[1] 44
-[1] 45
-[1] 46
-[1] 47
-[1] 48
-[1] 49
-[1] 50
-Conditional statements
-A conditional statement in R is written using if
<- 13
- k if (k > 10) {
-print("k is greater than 10")
- }
[1] "k is greater than 10"
-An alternative outcome can be specified with else
<- 3
- k if (k > 10) {
-cat("k is greater than 10\n")
- else {
- } cat("k is not greater than 10\n")
- }
k is not greater than 10
-Conditionals are built in functions that allow you to compare and contrast elements in R. For example, the which
function gives you the index of values that match some condition:
which(flu_hh$time > 60) # index of values that match some condition
[1] 14 15
-which(flu_hh > 60) # careful if matrix
[1] 14 15 19
-19, ] # Problem flu_hh[
time num_inf
-which(flu_hh == 50, arr.ind = TRUE) # if want row and column
row col
-[1,] 11 1
-which(flu_hh > 60, arr.ind = TRUE) # if want row and column
row col
-[1,] 14 1
-[2,] 15 1
-[3,] 4 2
statements allow you to compare elements
if (2 > 3) {
-print("Two is greater than three")
- # Use for error checking. Print does exactly that - gives output into console }
or check that data had been read in ok:
-if (any(flu_hh$num_inf) < 0) {
-print("Error: data has negative numbers")
- }
or check that what you are calling a proportion sums to 1:
-$prop <- flu_hh$num_inf / sum(flu_hh$num_inf)
- flu_hhif (sum(flu_hh$prop) != 1) {
-print("Error: proportion sums to greater than 1")
- # != means "does not equal" }
statements can be combined (as in Excel) with else
statements. These can be simple:
<- -1
- x sqrt(ifelse(x >= 0, x, NA)) # Only take the square root if x is positive
[1] NA
-<- ifelse(mean(flu_hh$prop) > 0.5, max(flu_hh$prop), 0)# only assign a maximum to x if it is bigger than 0.5 x
or more complex:
-if (max(flu_hh$time) < 30) {
-<- mean(flu_hh$num_inf)
- mean_flu_hh print("< 30")
- else {
- } <- which(flu_hh$time < 30) # Which are those < 30 days, most recent data perhaps
- w <- mean(flu_hh[w, "num_inf"]) # mean of only those values
- mean_flu_hh print("> 30")
- }
[1] "> 30"
-Functions are useful ways of packaging up pieces of code. If you are going to do a set of commands multiple times then it can be simpler and cleaner to place them in a function that has been thoroughly checked and that you have not altered subsequently.
-Functions are at the essence of everything in R. The c()
command used earlier was a call to a function (called c
). More information on functions can be found in the R for Data Science book.
To build a function you use the syntax
-<- function(inputs){ code } name_of_function
Within the ‘code’ section you need to include the main coding information, which uses the inputs and also ‘returns’ an output.
-For example, to build your own function for calculating the mean do:
-<- function(vector, times){
- my_mean <- sum(vector)
- sum_vector <- length(vector)
- length_vector <- sum_vector / length_vector
- my_mean <- my_mean ^ times
- my_mean_power return(list(my_mean = my_mean, my_mean_power = my_mean_power))
- }
To run the function you need the function name and the correct inputs:
-my_mean( c(1,2,3,43) , 3) # prints output
-[1] 12.25
-[1] 1838.266
-<- my_mean(c(1,2,3,43), 3)
- mm mm
-[1] 12.25
-[1] 1838.266
-You can store all the functions that you have in one big .R
file and load them into your current R file using the command source
Can you understand what the following function does?
-<- function(matrix) {
- find_day_many <- unique(matrix$ward) # What wards are there?
- u <- c() # store in here
- days for (i in 1:length(u)) {
- <- which(matrix$ward == u[i]) # find which rows of the data are for this ward
- w <- which(matrix[w, "number"] > 1) # find which rows for this ward have more than 1 person
- r <- c(days, matrix[w[r], "time"]) # when are there 2 or more infected?
- days
- }return(days)
- }
Does this give you the output you expected? You will need to use some of the commands for looking at data that were introduced above. The file ward_data.csv
can be found in the /data/
<- read.csv(here("data", "ward_data.csv"))
- wardd <- find_day_many(wardd)
- d d
[1] 3 8 10 12 15 16 18 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 3 14 19 20 1 4 5 6 7 9 12
-[26] 13 14
-To learn about how to document functions and make them appear like the R help files, see the Roxygen2 R package which makes this a breeze.
-Passing functions as parameters
-Since functions themselves are variables, they can be passed to other functions. For example, we could write a function that takes a function and a variable and applies the function twice to the variable.
-# First function
-<- function(x) {
- add1 return(x + 1)
- }
-# Second function
-<- function(f, x) {
- doTwice return(f(f(x)))
- }doTwice(add1, 3)
[1] 5
-Debugging functions
-Writing functions comes with the need to debug them, in case they return errors or faulty results. R provides its own debugger, which is started with debug
On the next call to the function add1
, this puts us into R’s own debugger, where we can advance step-by-step (by typing n
), inspect variables, evaluate calls, etc. To quit the debugger, type Q
. To stop debugging function add1
, we can use
More on the debugging functionalities of R can be found on the Debugging in R Studio page.
-An alternative way for debugging is to include print
statements in the function, for example using cat()
<- function(x) {
- add1 cat("Adding 1 to", x, "\n")
- return(x + 1)
- }add1(3)
Adding 1 to 3
-[1] 4
-Making R Run Faster With Vectorisation
-The apply()
family of functions
-R is not optimised for for()
loops, and they can be slow to compute. An often faster and more elegant way to loop over the elements of a vector or data frame is using the apply()
family of functions: apply()
, lapply()
, sapply()
and others. A good introduction to these functions can be found in this blog post.
The apply()
function operates on data frames. It takes three arguments: the first argument is the data frame to apply a function to, the second argument specifies whether the function is applied by row (1) or column (2), and the third argument is the function to be applied.
For example, to take the mean of df
by row, we write
apply(df, 1, mean)
[1] 1.5 3.5 2.5
-To take the mean by column, we write
-apply(df, 2, mean)
a b
-1.666667 3.333333
-The lapply()
and sapply()
functions operate on lists or vectors. Their difference is in the type of object they return. To take the square root of every element of vector a
, we could use lapply
, which returns a list
lapply(a, sqrt)
-[1] 1
-[1] 1.732051
-[1] 2.44949
-[1] 1
, on the other hand, does the same thing but returns a vector:
sapply(a, sqrt)
[1] 1.000000 1.732051 2.449490 1.000000
-We can specify any function to be used by the apply()
functions, including one we define ourselves. For example, to take the square of every element of vector a
and return a vector, we can write
sapply(a, function(x) { x * x})
[1] 1 9 36 1
-Of course, the last two examples could have been calculated much simpler using sqrt(a)
and a*a
, but in many examples, there is no such simple expression, and the apply
functions come in handy.
Probability distributions
-Probability distributions are at the heart of many aspects of modelling. R provides functions to both estimate the probability of obtaining a certain value under a given probability distribution and to sample random numbers from the same distribution. The corresponding functions have a common nomenclature, that is dxxx
for the probability (density) of a given value and rxxx
for generation of a random number from the same distribution. For example, for a uniform distribution we have dunif
and runif
, and to generate a random number between 0 and 5 we can write
<- runif(n = 1, min = 0, max = 5)
- r r
[1] 0.6417409
-This number has density \(1/(\mathrm{max}-\mathrm{min})=0.2\) within the uniform distribution:
-dunif(x = r, min = 0, max = 5)
[1] 0.2
-For almost all probability distributions, we can get the logarithm of the probability density by passing log = TRUE
dunif(x = r, min = 0, max = 5, log = TRUE)
[1] -1.609438
-Other functions available are rnorm()
and dnorm()
for the normal distribution, rpois()
and dpois()
for the Poisson distribution, and many more. A number of probability distributions and their corresponding R functions can be found in the R programming wikibook.
Part 3: Solving differential equations with R
-R provides packages for running both deterministic and stochastic dynamic models. For deterministic models, the deSolve
package is a good choice, whereas for stochastic models, adaptivetau
is recommended.
In order to write and solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs), you need to learn the basic ode
syntax in R and load the package that we installed earlier (deSolve
). Remember that to do this you need to type:
The package deSolve
includes a function ode()
that solves ODE equations. This function needs certain inputs. Have a look at
and see if you can understand what the required inputs are.
-For this part of the practical, we will build and solve our own SIR model. We will compare it to data and try to determine the correct parameters.
-Firstly we need to read in the data, which is stored in data/data_sir.csv
<- read.csv(here("data", "data_sir.csv"))
- data data
time proportion
-1 0 0.000010000
-2 1 0.000054700
-3 2 0.000299525
-4 3 0.001636555
-5 4 0.008868530
-6 5 0.046011635
-7 6 0.195347794
-8 7 0.466470366
-9 8 0.564584487
-10 9 0.492438353
-11 14 0.123767983
-12 19 0.028179805
-13 24 0.006377557
-14 29 0.001441825
-15 34 0.000325891
-16 39 0.000073700
-17 NA NA
-Can you make a simple plot to check what this SIR outbreak looks like?
-As described in the help pages for ode()
, this function itself requires several inputs including another function.
The first input it requires are the initial conditions. We have to specify the initial conditions for all of the states. Here we have three states, \(S\), \(I\) and \(R\):
-<- c(S = 0, I = 0, R = 0) init
Can you alter this initial vector for a population of \(100,000\) to have initially one infected and the rest susceptible?
-The second required input are the times over which the output for the ODE is wanted. Note this is not the same as the time steps over which the ODE will be solved. These are specified by the method. Here lets assume lets say we want output every year for 40 years.
-<- seq(0, 40, by = 1) times
The third required input is the function itself, which governs the dynamics between the states. Here as we have an SIR model we can translate the differential equations into three simple relationships:
-<- function(time, state, parameters) {
- sir with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
- <- -beta * S * I # The change in S
- dS <- beta * S * I - gamma * I
- dI <- gamma * I
- dR return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))
- }) }
Finally, the ode
function requires the input parameters, which here are only beta and gamma:
<- c(beta = 2/100000, gamma = 0.5) parameters
In order to run the function we input all of the above and save the output in a vector called out
<- c(S = 100000 - 1, I = 1, R = 0)
- init <- ode(y = init, func = sir, times = times, parms = parameters)
- out head(out)
time S I R
-[1,] 0 99999.00 1.000000 0.000000
-[2,] 1 99994.36 4.481458 1.160537
-[3,] 2 99973.56 20.079094 6.360862
-[4,] 3 99880.47 89.877250 29.649580
-[5,] 4 99465.76 400.575269 133.669174
-[6,] 5 97655.39 1751.725904 592.883341
-What does the output data look like? Does it make sense? Can you build a simple plot to look at the change in the number Infected over time?
-To look at all of the model output we can plot everything on the same graph:
-plot(out[, "time"], out[, "S"], type = "l", lwd = 10, col = "green", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number")
-lines(out[, "time"], out[, "I"], col = "red", lwd = 10)
-lines(out[, "time"], out[, "R"], col = "blue", lwd = 10)
-legend(25, 40000, c("Susceptibles", "Infecteds", "Recovereds"), lwd = 10, lty = 1, col = 2:4) # Add legend and specific position
Does this match the data you read before in using read.csv
well? Note, that the data given is the proportions infected over time. So in order to compare you either need to convert the data to numbers or the numbers to data. Try and do this, and plot the data and model output on the same graph. A solution is given below if you get stuck.
What we are doing here is assessing our model’s “fit” to the data. This is a key stage in the development of any model - does it reflect reality? The simplest way to do this is by plotting model output and data together and comparing them by eye. Over the next few days, you will try out different methods for model fitting.
-$number <- data$proportion * 100000
- dataplot(out[,"time"],out[,"S"],type="l",lwd = 5, col="green",xlab="Time",ylab="Number")
-lines(out[,"time"],out[,"I"],col="red",lwd = 5)
-lines(out[,"time"],out[,"R"],col="blue",lwd = 5)
-legend(25, 80000, c("Susceptibles", "Infecteds", "Recovereds"), lwd = 5, lty = 1, col = 2:4) #
- Assume you know that the value for
is 2/100000. Can you write a function that considers a range of different parameters forgamma
, runs the model with these various values and then plots the outcomes with the data? From this what is the best estimate you can get forgamma
Note that this was output generated with a set value for gamma and so you can find a solution - however in the real world epidemic there is unlikely to be such a perfect fit!
- Store your data for the SIR solution at different gamma values using (as above) with
Stochastic models
-The adaptivetau
package can be installed with install.packages("adaptivetau")
. Once installed, it is loaded with
The adaptivetau
package uses a different syntax from the deSolve
package. Instead of providing a function to calculate the rates of change at each time point, one specifies a list of transitions and their rates. Examples for how this is done can be found in the adaptivetau vignette.
For the SIR model, we could write
-<- list(
- sir_transitions c(S = -1, I = 1), # infection
- c(I = -1, R = 1) # recovery
- )
-<- function(x, parameters, t) {
- sir_rate_func <- parameters["R_0"] / parameters["infectious_period"]
- beta <- 1 / parameters["infectious_period"]
- nu
- <- x["S"]
- S <- x["I"]
- I <- x["R"]
- R
- <- S + I + R
- N
- return(c(
- * S * I / N, # infection
- beta * I # recovery
- nu
- )) }
To run the stochastic model, we then use the ssa.adaptivetau
function, which takes a vector of initial conditions, the list of transitions and rate function, a named vector of parameters, and the final time (with simulations starting at time 0).
<- ssa.adaptivetau(
- run init.values = c(S = 999, I = 1, R = 0),
- transitions = sir_transitions,
- rateFunc = sir_rate_func,
- params = c(R_0 = 5, infectious_period = 1),
- tf = 10
- )head(run)
time S I R
-[1,] 0.00000000 999 1 0
-[2,] 0.02918432 998 2 0
-[3,] 0.46669545 998 1 1
-[4,] 0.76012698 997 2 1
-[5,] 0.83009431 996 3 1
-[6,] 0.85522266 995 4 1
-Unlike ode()
from the deSolve
package, this does not produce output at specific times, but every time an event happens. To convert this to different times, we first convert the output of ssa.adaptivetau
to a data frame (ssa.adaptivetau
returns a matrix, a data type which we do not discuss here) using data.frame
<- data.frame(run) runDf
To get the output of \(I\) at chosen times, we can use approx
# get output at times 1, ..., 10
-<- approx(
- runAtTimes x = runDf$time,
- y = runDf$I,
- xout = 1:10,
- method = "constant"
- ) runAtTimes
- [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- [1] 4 86 480 219 85 30 12 5 1 0
-We can apply this to all the variables returned by ssa.adaptivetau
and construct a data frame with model output at the desired times.
<- apply(runDf[2:4], 2, function(x) {
- runAtTimes approx(
- x = runDf$time,
- y = x,
- xout = 1:10,
- method = "constant"
- $y
- ) })
Let’s add the times column
-<- cbind(time = 1:10, runAtTimes)
- runAtTimes <- as.data.frame(runAtTimes)
- runAtTimes_df runAtTimes_df
time S I R
-1 1 994 4 2
-2 2 872 86 42
-3 3 187 480 333
-4 4 42 219 739
-5 5 14 85 901
-6 6 10 30 960
-7 7 10 12 978
-8 8 9 5 986
-9 9 9 1 990
-10 10 9 0 991
-Let’s compare this to the deterministic model output
-plot(runAtTimes_df$time, runAtTimes_df$I, type = "l", col = "red", lwd = 2)
-lines(out[1:10, "time"], out[1:10, "I"], col = "blue", lwd = 2)
A slightly more involved way with many options for different types of plot is using the ggplot2
package. This can be installed with install.packages("ggplot2")
and loaded with
uses a somewhat peculiar syntax. To create a similar plot to the one above using ggplot
, we would write
ggplot(runAtTimes_df, aes(x = time, y = I)) + geom_point()
A detailed introduction to ggplot2
and its numerous options for plotting is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but comprehensive documentation as well as many examples can be found on the ggplot2 website.