Simple / Easy to integrate Flutterwave Payment methods into CodeIgniter Application. Including the Sample Payment Forms, Payment Status Page and a ready set Webhook.
- Copy all the files from folders inside
folder toyour_ci_project/application/
- Go to
/* Configuration stars from here */
// Flutter Wave Credentials - Atleast Public Key and Secret are required for payment gateway to work.
$config['PBFPubKey'] = ($config['sandbox']) ? 'TEST_PUBLIC_KEY' : 'LIVE_PUBLIC_KEY'; /* Public Key for Sandbox : Live */
$config['SECKEY'] = ($config['sandbox']) ? 'TEST_SECRET_KEY' : 'LIVE_SECRET_KEY'; /* Secret Key for Sandbox : Live */
$config['encryption_key'] = ($config['sandbox']) ? 'TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY' : 'LIVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY'; /* Encryption Key for Sandbox : Live */
// Webhook Secret Hash
$config['secret_hash'] = ($config['sandbox']) ? 'TEST_SECRET_HASH' : 'LIVE_SECRET_HASH$'; /* Secret HASH for Sandbox : Live */
// What is the default currency?
// $config['currency'] = 'USD'; /* Store Currency Code */
$config['currency'] = 'NGN'; /* Store Currency Code */
// Transaction Prefix if any
$config['txn_prefix'] = 'TXN_PREFIX'; /* Transaction ID Prefix if any */
That's all. Now you are ready to start accepting your payments through Flutterwave.
$this->load->library('flutterwave_lib'); /* must load this library before using any predefined function */
1. create_payment() :
$data = array(
'customer_email' => '',
'redirect_url' => base_url("flutterwave/payment_status/"),
$response = $this->flutterwave_lib->create_payment($data);
if(!empty($response) || $response != ''){
$response = json_decode($response,1);
if(isset($response['status']) && $response['status'] == 'success'){
echo 'API returned error >> '.$response['message'];
2. verify_transaction($reference)
$params = $this->input->get(); /* read the params when returned from flutterwave payment back to your site */
$reference = $params['txref'];
$response = $this->flutterwave_lib->verify_transaction($reference);
$response = json_decode($response,1);
if($response['status'] == 'success' &&
isset($response['data']['chargecode']) &&
( $response['data']['chargecode'] == '00' || $response['data']['chargecode'] == '0') ){
Perform Database Operations here
Add your custom code here for any other operation like
selling good / inserting / update transaction
record in database / anything else
to make the payment system more secure you can
make use of Webhook for one extra layer of security.
}elseif( (isset($params['cancelled']) && $params['cancelled'] == true)){
echo "Payment Cancelled by you or some other reasons. Try again!";
}elseif( $response['status'] == 'error'){
echo "API returned error >> ".$response['message'];
echo "No data returned from Server!";
There is one ready to use webhook()
method available in Flutterwave
controller. It will receive the Flutterwave response, $_SERVER variable response and simply insert the record in the log file and not in database, If you set this webhook()
URL into your flutterwave dashboard.
For example, If you are using the same webhook()
provided here, which is in application/controller/Flutterwave.php
> webhook()
then set this
as webhook URL in Flutterwave dashboard.
[ Note: Given webhook will only store the response in log files and will not perform any of the database operations. ]
Refer to comments given in the webhook()
function of Flutterwave
controller to make changes as per your needs.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.