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70 lines (48 loc) · 8.33 KB


version 3.1.2

  • Minor bug fix to resolve issue with specifying serum_replicates and barcode_serum_replicates to manual drops, similar issue resolved in 3.1.1. Addresses this issue.

version 3.1.1

  • Minor bug fix to make it possible to add wells or barcodes to the manual_drops specified for each plate. Addresses this issue.

version 3.1.0

  • Configured to enable plate-level indices to be embedded in the round-1 PCR primers (see this issue). Essentially, this amounts to allowing a per-plate flanking sequence to be specified for each plate, and only FASTQ reads with that flanking sequence are read for that plate. Typically this index would be specified as upstream2 in the illuminabarcodeparser. To enable this change, altered the configuration from the previous setup of just having a single global illumina_barcode_parser_params applied to all plates. Now such a global parser is still specified that has default values that you want to apply to all plates. But in addition, in the per-plate configuration you can specify illumina_barcode_parser_params that are added to (and override) anything in the global parser params, and can contain plate specific upstream2 and other relevant setting (eg, upstream2_mismatch). The test example was modified to use this option for plate2 and plate11.

  • Update software versions:

    • dms_variants to 1.6.0
    • neutcurve to 2.1.0
    • altair to 5.3
    • python to 3.12
  • Draw neutralization curves using draw_in_bounds=True with neutcurve to avoid lines extrapolating beyond data. Addresses this issue.

version 3.0.0

  • In curvefit_params in the YAML configuration, now fixslope should be specified in addition fixtop and fixbottom. In addition, all three of these can be set to constraint ranges rather than just totally free or to fixed values. Alongside this change, the slope of curve fits are now reported in key output files. Addresses this issue and this issue.

    • This is a backward-incompatible change in the configuration YAML, now you must specify fixslope under curvefit_params.
  • In process_plate_curvefit_qc in the YAML configuration, there is a new key called goodness_of_fit and now both min_R2 (the minimum coefficient of determination) and max_RMSD (the maximum mean square deviation) for each curve fit are specified as keys under that. The curves are then filtered to retain only those that meet either of these criteria (so must fail both to be dropped). Addresses this issue and this issue. Alongside this change, the rmsd is now reported in key output files. Also, in the tabulation of failures, fails_min_R2 now becomes fails_goodness_of_fit.

    • This is a backward-incompatible change in the configuration YAML. Previously min_R2 was a standalone key under process_plate_curvefit_qc; now goodness_of_fit is the required key and min_R2 and max_RMSD are required keys under it.
  • Handle titers that are outside the range of the dilutions series by reporting them as upper or lower bounds rather than as interpolated, and marking them appropriately on plots. This change helps with low potency or high potency sera, where there may be no neutralization or high neutralization at all tested concentrations. Addresses this issue.

  • Each plate is now assigned to a group, which makes it possible to have separate groups (for instance, "serum" and "pilot" if you have serum samples of interest and pilot experiments, although it can be everything). This is a backward-incompatible change that requires you to update the configuration YAML and changes the names of some output files (so you will need to update your .gitignore to be similar to the new one in the test_example). Specifically:

    • For each plate under plates in the configuration YAML, you now specify a group as one of the keys (eg, serum, pilot, etc)
    • For sera_override_defaults in the configuration YAML, the keys for individual sera are now nested under keys for their groups.
    • The sera are processed by group, so "group" is now a column in the output CSVs and the serum results files are now in subdirectories named ./results/sera/{group}_{serum} rather than ./results/sera/{serum} as before.
    • The aggregated titers are now in per-group CSVs with names like ./results/aggregated_titers/titers_{group}.csv rather than in the single ./results/aggregated_titers/titers.csv from before.
    • The final aggregated output plot allows you to select by group.
    • The docs are organized by group in the per-plate and per-sera plots.
  • Added another plate (of H3N2 rather than H1N1) to the test_example to test some of the changes introduced in this version.

  • Update seqneut-pipeline conda environment in environment.yml. Update neutcurve 2.0.1, also update other packages (pandas, snakemake, markdown, papermill) to latest versions.

version 2.2.0

  • Add the add_htmls_to_docs option, which can be specified in Snakefile to add additional HTML documentation to pipeline.
  • Update to snakemake 8.5.4.

version 2.1.0

  • Add an option to specify miscellaneous_plates which are plates that just have their barcodes counted (addresses this issue).

version 2.0.1

  • Update to dms_variants 1.5.0 (addresses this issue).

version 2.0.0

Full re-write that changes how configuration is specified to automatically do the QC, and uses a newer version of neutcurve that fits better. Completely backward-incompatible with version 1.*.

version 1.1.0

  • Update software environment to include neutcurve 1.0 and snakemake 8.0.
  • Fix linting of notebooks with ruff

version 1.0.0

The initial version of this pipeline was created from prior code from Andrea Loes and Will Hannon. The pipeline was re-factored into this initial version with the following design goals:

  • Separate the pipeline from the configuration and code for specific analyses. This is important because we want to be able to have an portable pipeline that can be used for multiple different studies, and can be independently tested and versioned. This will be especially important of we eventually imagine this assay being used widely in large-scale studies where standardization is important.

  • As part of the modularization of the pipeline from the specific analyses, the configuration and code is designed now solely to focus on calculating neutralization titers for sera. Additional configuration such as grouping sera by individuals for different timepoints etc will not be a universal feature of such studies, so is moved to the upstream project-specific code that runs the pipeline.

  • Rename from names like "NGS neuts" to "seqneut", because in paper we are choosing to describe as sequencing-based neutralization assays.

  • Perform analyses and provide configuration on a per-plate basis, and (except for last output steps) do not aggregate configuration or analyses across plates. This is because we envision typical studies as sequentially running and analyzing plates, each of which will be QC-ed separately.

  • Move all configuration, sample exclusion, etc in a YAML configuration file. Samples will not be dropped by the code or have thresholds applied that are not specifically delineated in this configuration. This makes it easier to see what is being done in the analysis since a user can look at just the configuration YAML file without examining the code. The principle here is that all QC and/or sample or barcode exclusions must be transparently specified here, and is not done silently in the code. This ensures any problems with a plate will be flagged at time of analysis and an intentional decision has to be made whether to accept or reject the data based on the QC thresholds.