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Jessica Creighton edited this page Feb 23, 2013 · 13 revisions

Blocks which only appear with compiled data have a c, blocks which only appear with uncompiled data have u

Blocks with ? are unknown.

All guesses at the acronyms are that. Guesses.


### BDHb, BDHc Block Data ?


 Length | Type    | Value
      4 | uint32  | String length
      * | string  | Content

### BDPW Block Data Password ```plain Length | Type | Value --------+---------+------- 16 | string | Password md5 16 | string | Hash 1 16 | string | Hash 2 ```
### BDSE 4 bytes
### BNIDc? 12 bytes
### CCSGc? 16 bytes
### CONP? 2 bytes
### CPC2? 2 bytes
### CPMpc?
### DFDSc?
### DLDRc?
### DTHP? 2 bytes
### FPHb?
### FPSE? 4 bytes
### FPTDc? 2 bytes
### FTAB Font Table
### GCPRc? 13 bytes?
### HIST History
### ICON?
### LIbd? LabVIEW Instrument ?
### LIdsc? LabVIEW Instrument ?
### LIfp? LabVIEW Instrument ?
### icl8 icon ?

See Icon

### LIBN ```plain Length | Type | Value --------+---------+------- 4 | uint32 | Count? 1 | uint8 | String length * | string | Content ```
### LVSR See Version Bits ```plain Length | Type | Value --------+---------+------- 4 | uint32 | Version 2 | int16 | ? 2 | uint16 | flags

Flags: Protected: 0x2000


<a name="wiki-MUID" />
### MUID<sup>?</sup>
4 bytes


<a name="wiki-NUID" />
### NUID<sup>c</sup><sup>?</sup>
16 bytes


<a name="wiki-OBSG" />
### OBSG<sup>c</sup><sup>?</sup>


<a name="wiki-RTSG" />
### RTSG<sup>?</sup>
16 bytes


<a name="wiki-SCSR" />
### SCSR<sup>c</sup><sup>?</sup>


<a name="wiki-SUID" />
### SUID<sup>c</sup><sup>?</sup>
12 bytes


<a name="wiki-TM80" />
### TM80<sup>c</sup><sup>?</sup>


<a name="wiki-VCTP" />
### VCTP<sup>?</sup>


<a name="wiki-VICD" />
### VICD<sup>c</sup><sup>?</sup>


<a name="wiki-vers" />
### vers
See [[Version Bits]]
 Length | Type    | Value
      4 | uint32  | Version
      1 | uint8   | String length
      * | string  | Text
      1 | uint8   | String length
      * | string  | Info
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