Provides Piecewise Exponential distribution functions for JAGS.
Install dependencies (on a clean ubuntu installation)
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool g++
Creating all auxiliary files
autoreconf -fvi
or, if JAGS has been installed in a different location, e.g. /usr
./configure --prefix /usr
sudo make install
For building the module in Windows it is easiest to use a tarball that was created in linux like this (starting from a source clone):
autoreconf -fvi
make dist-gzip
Copy the *.tar.gz file to your msys home directory and continue from there.
Install MinGW (MinGW installer including msys): In MinGW get installer: msys-base is all you need.
Install TDM-GCC Compiler Suite: Use the exact same version of tdm-gcc as has been used to compile your JAGS Version on your system. In that case, also don't forget to untick the "Check for updated files on the TDM-GCC server" during the installation proccess of tdm-gcc. For Jags-3.3.0 and Jags-3.4.0 use: tdm64-gcc-4.6.1.exe
Delete all *.dll.a files int the TDM-GCC Installation, so the compiler will link to the static libraries.
Change path in c:/mingw/msys/1.0/etc/fstab from this: c:/mingw /mingw to: c:/MinGW64 /mingw to use TDM-GCC compilers
--> Start msys, extract tarball in your home dir, cd into dir and do the following:
- Note: the module needs the JAGS include files and the JAGS libraries. Therefore use the -L and -I options, as shown below.
- For building 32bit binaries
CXX="g++ -m32" \
./configure LDFLAGS="-L/c/Progra~1/JAGS/JAGS-3.4.0/i386/bin" CXXFLAGS="-I/c/Progra~1/JAGS/JAGS-3.4.0/include"
make win32
- For building 64bit binaries
CXX="g++ -m64" \
./configure LDFLAGS="-L/c/Progra~1/JAGS/JAGS-3.4.0/x64/bin" CXXFLAGS="-I/c/Progra~1/JAGS/JAGS-3.4.0/include"
make win64
- Copy the win/win32/bernoulli.* or win/win64/bernoulli.* files to your JAGS modules directory to enable the module. For JAGS-3.4.0 this usually is: x64: C:\Program Files\JAGS\JAGS-3.4.0\x64\modules x32: C:\Program Files\JAGS\JAGS-3.4.0\x32\modules
- Note: If you compile both 32bit and 64bit don't forget to make clean between the building.