Releases: jdemetra/jdemetra-app
JDemetra+ v2.2.2 RC2
This is the release candidate 2 of JDemetra+ 2.2.2.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run it.
JDemetra+ v2.2.2 RC1
This is the release candidate 1 of JDemetra+ 2.2.2.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run it.
JDemetra+ v2.2.1
This is the release of JDemetra+ 2.2.1.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run it.
Release notes
Statistical Algorithms
- [FIXED] Bug in derived results of the canonical decomposition (SEATS)
- [FIXED] Correction in D16, D18 (X11)
- [ADDED] Possibility to fix some coefficients in trading days variables
- [ADDED] Definition of the forecast horizon (SEATS)
- [ADDED] Pseudo-additive decomposition in X11
- [FIXED] XXE vulnerability
Graphical user interface
- [FIXED] Java 9 compatibility (JNA, chart rendering, launch)
- [FIXED] Html styling & rendering
- [IMPROVED] Zoom in html pages
JDemetra+ v2.2.1 RC2
This is the release candidate 2 of JDemetra+ 2.2.1.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run it.
JDemetra+ v2.2.1 RC1
This is the release candidate 1 of JDemetra+ 2.2.1.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run it.
JDemetra+ v2.2.0
This is the release of JDemetra+ 2.2.0.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run it.
Release notes
Statistical Algorithms
- [FIXED] Wrong degrees of freedom in LjungBox (diagnostics)
- [FIXED] Julian Easter dates
- [IMPROVED] Re-estimation of RegArima models (performance/precision issues)
- [ADDED] Gamma distribution (+used in other distributions)
- [ADDED] Fixed regression coefficients
- [ADDED] Canova-Hansen and (augmented) Dickey-Fuller tests
- [FIXED] Wrong canonical decomposition in case of complex models
- [FIXED] Benchmarking in case of incomplete starting year
- [FIXED] Small bugs in X11 (advanced cases)
- [FIXED] Bug in RegArima forecasts (NaN) in case of missing values in the first obs.
- [IMPROVED] New factorization of the autocovariance function (SEATS). More robust.
- [ADDED] Analysis of the revisions of SA changes
- [ADDED] Trading days: derived Sunday effect
- [ADDED] Backcasts in X11
- [IMPROVED] TsProviders API
- [ADDED] TCK (technical compatibility kit) for TsProviders
- [IMPROVED] Parsing of Excel files
- [FIXED] Bugs in xml files (Tramo/regarima)
- [ADDED] New xml schema (to be used in WEB services)
- [ADDED] Wild cards in results retrieval
- [ADDED] Dynamic results retrieval (extension by plug-ins)
Graphical user interface
- [ADDED] Fixed regression coefficients (editors to modify them)
- [ADDED] Add ability to set comments on specifications, documents
- [FIXED] 3D likelihood chart bug fix when there are no parameters
- [IMPROVED] SI ratio chart : easier to select and identify observations
- [IMPROVED] User can now select between 2 editors for prespecified outliers (in the options)
- [ADDED] Import/export of specifications from/to the workspace
- [ADDED] Copy of results from the Check Last anomaly detection
- [ADDED] Export of results components from a SA processing
- [ADDED] Custom matrix of diagnostics
- [IMPROVED] Drag & Drop feedback
- [IMPROVED] Error reporting in auto-completion
- [IMPROVED] Propertysheet layout when editing beans
- [ADDED] Saving of Ts to text files
- [FIXED] Default working dir of workspace
- [FIXED] Fixed dot/comma mismatch in numeric editors
- [FIXED] Commit behavior of Day editor
- [ADDED] New forecasts/backcasts panel (TODO)
- [ADDED] JRE 8 minimum requirement to run the application
- [ADDED] Maven snapshots repository
- [IMPROVED] jwsacruncher moved to its own repository
- [ADDED] WEB services around JD+
- [ADDED] Light R package
JDemetra+ v2.2.0 RC 4
This is the release candidate 4 of JDemetra+ 2.2.0.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run JDemetra+.
JDemetra+ v2.2.0 RC 3
This is the release candidate 3 of JDemetra+ 2.2.0.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run JDemetra+.
JDemetra+ v2.2.0 RC 2
This is the release candidate 2 of JDemetra+ 2.2.0.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run JDemetra+.
JDemetra+ v2.2.0 RC 1
This is the release candidate 1 of JDemetra+ 2.2.0.
Java SE 8 or later version is required to run JDemetra+.