Update border, and constrain elements
Build out test suite
Provide a BASE64 or URI-encoded image that can be viewed for headless debugging
- Text is positioned correctly - cross browser support & nodeJS
- Read CreateJS/EaselJS#235
- try txtjs to see if consistency can be gained
Text can't be center aligned
Deselect occurs after tool mouseup
Controls overlap image at small size. Instead move them off the image.
- Perhaps leave enough hit area for moving at small size
- Rotate tether only needed at small sizes. Slash, not needed.
Constraining issues
- Transformed bounds don't wrap rotated objects
- Aspect ratio doesn't stay fixed when exceeding lesser of width or height
Customise available controls
- Combine rotate and scale handles?
- Prevent stretching horizontally and vertically. Allow disabling stretch controls
Introduce multi-touch capability. https://fabianirsara.com/examples/multitouch/
Snap rotations, locations, scales
- Consume create.js apis more (Point class anyone?)
- Don't rely on jQuery (see createjs.util.js)
- Reduce reliance on
- Introduce test suite
- Split into multiple files
- Publish to npm
- Bitmaps:yes
- Text: yes
- Sprites - animated?
- Primitive shapes - Ellipse, Rect, Star, Rounded rect: yes
- Vector shapes: difficulty with svg
- Container
CreateJS/EaselJS#456 (comment)
- Test what happens when you scale the canvas
Grouping elements!?
Html dom handles for transforming outside of canvas bounds
Use filter/blending mode on border (eg avoid black on black)
Re-introduce shift modifier to control aspect ratio locking?
Allow moving the registration point with a handle
Prevent or warn when scaling above best print resolution