- This Nginx Image module is auto create / output picture thumbnail, support for text watermark and image watermark.
- Support for custom font, text size, transparency of the watermark, the watermark position...
Module Require libcurl-dev libgd2-dev libpcre-dev Library Code
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential m4 autoconf automake make
$ sudo apt-get install libgd2-noxpm-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcre3-dev
$ sudo yum install gcc-c++ zlib-devel make
$ sudo yum install gd-devel pcre-devel libcurl-devel
# Download Tengine
$ wget
$ tar -zxvf tengine-1.4.5.tar.gz
$ cd tengine-1.4.5
# Download Nginx
$ wget
$ tar -zxvf nginx-1.4.0.tar.gz
$ cd nginx-1.4.0
$ wget
$ unzip
$ ./configure --add-module=./nginx-image-master
$ make
$ sudo make install
Open nginx.conf
vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# if nginx.cof not exist , you can find it use `find / -name "nginx.conf`
location / {
root html;
# Add lines
image on;
image_output on;
Or use specified location
location /upload {
root html;
# Add lines
image on;
image_output on;
image on/off #turn on/off image thumbnail module,default off.
image_backend on/off #Mirror service is turn on/off, visit the picture url. if picture file does not exist, will be automatically downloaded from the mirror server into local server , default off.
image_backend_server #Mirror server url.
image_output on/off #If On will not create picture thumbnail file , default off.
image_jpeg_quality 75 #Create jpeg picture quality , default 75.
image_water on/off #open watermark function , default off.
image_water_type 0/1 #Type of watermark 0: Image watermark 1: text watermark.
image_water_min 300 300 #source picture small than width:300 Height:300 will not add watermark.
image_water_pos 0-9 #watermark position , 0 for a random positin, 1 for the top ranking left, 2 centered in the top , 3 for the top ranking right, 4 Central left, 5 Middle center, 6 Central habitat right, 7 bottom of the left, 8 centered at the bottom ,9 bottom of the right.
image_water_file #watermark filename (jpg/png/gif), absolute or relative path of the watermark image.
image_water_transparent #transparency of the watermark, default 20.
image_water_text #watermark text , default "Power By Vampire".
image_water_font_size #watermark text size, default 5.
image_water_font #use special font to make watermark , absolute or relative path of fontname.
image_water_color #watermakr text font color , default #000000
If your nginx bind
Put a picture named test.jpg
into nginx website root path
nginx/tengine will auto create/output test.jpg
width:300 height:200 thumbnail picture
In c parameter type of thumbnail, 300 is thumbnail picture width size 200 is thumbnail picture height size
Support create / output total of four different types of thumbnails.
Support JPEG / PNG / GIF {not animation}
C parameter is aspect ratio from 10% at the height of the image start capturing images, and zoom (in / out) to the specified size( Picture thumbnail size equal the request size )
M Parameter is aspect ratio of center screenshot picture, and then zoom (in / out) to the specified size( Picture thumbnail size equal the request size )
T parameters is aspect ratio scaling / zoom (in / out) to the specified size( Picture thumbnail size maybe small than request size )
W parameter is aspect ratio scaling / zoom (in / out) to the specified size, fill in the white background color( Picture thumbnail size equal the request size )