- Clone repos
Clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:aws-observability/aws-otel-test-framework.git
Clone the AWS OpenTelemetry Collector repo:
git clone git@github.com:aws-observability/aws-otel-collector.git
- Install Terraform
Install Terraform: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli
- Install Docker compose
Install Docker compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
- Run one of the test cases:
cd aws-otel-test-framework/terraform/mock
terraform init
terraform apply -var="testcase=../testcases/otlp_mock" -var-file=../testcases/otlp_mock/parameters.tfvars
terraform destroy
hint: this test might take 20 minutes as it builds the image of collector in place.
This test runs fours containers:
- Sample app container
- Collector container
- Mock server container
- Validator container.
as per showing in the diagram.
Validator container calls sample app container so that it generate metric/trace to collector, then collector sends data to the mock server. Validator then calls mock server to check if it receives data from collector. there's no data accuracy checking.
You can find a docker_compose.yml
file, which is generated by the test, runs three containers including sample app, collector and mock server.
Validator container is started here, and fails the terraform process if the conainer exit with 1.
If the test fails,
you can try to list the containers by using
docker ps
the output will be
8a48f60534cf mock_validator "/app/bin/app -c=def…" 12 seconds ago Up 10 seconds mock_validator_1
443ee2e388ea mock_sample_app "/app/bin/spark-samp…" 32 seconds ago Up 31 seconds>4567/tcp mock_sample_app_1
67f401637b67 mock_aws-ot-collector "/awscollector --con…" 34 seconds ago Up 32 seconds 4317-4318/tcp mock_aws-ot-collector_1
db75def68bb0 mock_mocked-server "docker-entrypoint.s…" 36 seconds ago Up 34 seconds>8080/tcp mock_mocked-server_1
then you can try to get logs for each containers. For example.
docker logs -f mock_aws-ot-collector_1