English: This extension does not collect, store, or transmit any personal data or browsing history of users. All processing is done locally on the user's device, ensuring user privacy and security.
- 主机权限:用于访问网页文本内容以提供罗马拼音标注
- activeTab:仅在用户主动使用时访问当前标签页内容
- scripting:用于在网页中注入拼音标注脚本
- storage:用于存储用户的语言偏好设置
English: This extension only uses necessary permissions to implement core features:
- Host permissions: Used to access web page text content for providing Romanization annotations
- activeTab: Only accesses the current tab content when the user actively uses the extension
- scripting: Used to inject Romanization annotation scripts into web pages
- storage: Used to store user's language preference settings
English: We promise not to share user data with any third parties. All processing is performed locally on the user's device, ensuring data security.
English: We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any significant changes will be notified to users when the extension is updated.
中文:如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,请通过 windminim@outlook.com 联系我们。
English: If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us at [developer email].