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Q93214: Name Property Cannot Be Set When Using Implicit Property |
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Article: Q93214
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): 2.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 02-NOV-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 2.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Standard Edition for Windows, version 2.0
On Page 126 of the Visual Basic Programmer's Guide, it incorrectly states that
all controls have an implicit property you can use for storing or retrieving
values. Some controls supplied with the Professional Edition of Visual Basic for
Windows use the Name property as their implicit property, which you cannot use
at run-time.
The following controls from the Visual Basic Professional Edition use the Name
property as their implicit property:
Common dialog
MAPI session
MAPI message
Spin button
Attempting to access the implicit property of these controls results in one of
the following errors:
'Name' property cannot be read at run time
'Name' property cannot be set at run time
You access the implicit property of a control (also known as the "value of a
control" or the "default value of a control") by writing the control name with
no property. For example, with a text box named Text1, you can write the
following statement to assign a value to the Text property:
Text1 = "hello world"
The following list shows the implicit properties for all the controls in both the
Standard and Professional Editions:
Standard Control Implicit Property
---------------------- ------------------
Check box Value
Combo box Text
Command button Value
Directory list box Path
Drive list box Drive
File list box FileName
Frame Caption
Grid Text
Image Picture
Label Caption
Line Visible
List box Text
Menu Enabled
OLE client Action
Option button Value
Picture box Picture
Scroll bar vertical Value
Scroll bar horizontal Value
Shape Shape
Text box Text
Timer Enabled
Professional Control Implicit Property
---------------------- ------------------
3D check box Value
3D command button Value
3D frame Caption
3D group push button Value
3D option button Value
3D panel Caption
Animated button Value
Common dialog Name (not usable)
Communications Input
Gauge Value
Graph QuickData
Key status Value
MAPI session Name (not usable)
MAPI message Name (not usable)
Masked edit Text
Multimedia MCI Command
Pen BEdit Text
Pen HEdit Text
Pen ink on bitmap Picture
Pen on-screen keyboard Visible
Picture clip Picture
Spin button Name (not usable)
Additional query words: 2.00 docerr
Keywords :
Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB200
Version : :2.0
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