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Q135715: BUG: SQLParamData Returns Incorrect Values Under Win32s |
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Article: Q135715
Product(s): Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
Version(s): WINDOWS:2.10b
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbBug kbISS
Last Modified: 27-JUL-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Open Database Connectivity, version 2.10b
BUG#: 3160 (ODBCSDK2 2.10b)
When you run a 32-bit ODBC application under Win32s, the SQLParamData function
returns incorrect values for the prgbValue argument.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Win32s ODBC thunking
components. We are researching this problem and will post new information here
in the Microsoft KnowledgeBase as it becomes available.
SQLParamData is an ODBC API call that is used in conjunction with SQLPutData to
supply parameter data at statement execution time. This call is made to retrieve
the application-defined value specified in the rgbValue argument of
SQLBindParameter for the data-at-execution parameter to be processed.
The following 32-bit Windows program demonstrates the problem. In this program,
the rgbValue buffer of SQLBindParameter contains a number Ideally, when
SQLParamData is called subsequently, the prgbValue buffer should return the same
number. However, a number such as 3a175678 is returned.
If you create the appropriate data source and run the following program under
Windows NT, you will get two message boxes that each contain the same number
(12345678). If you create the appropriate data source and run it under Win32s,
you will get two message boxes that contain different numbers (12345678 and
something like 3a175678). The first number is the rgbValue parameter in the call
to SQLBindParameter(). The second number is the value returned through the
prgbValue parameter in the call to SQLParamData().
To run this program, create and Access ODBC data source named
The data source should contain a table named "Table1" that contains 2
fields, a short field named "Field1" and a long binary field named
#include <windows.h>
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <stdio.h>
HENV henv;
HDBC hdbc;
HSTMT hstmt;
long id = 0x12345678;
PTR ret_id;
SDWORD length;
RETCODE retcode;
char buffer[200];
int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hinst,HINSTANCE pinst,LPSTR szCmd,int nShow)
if (SQLAllocEnv(&henv) != SQL_SUCCESS)
MessageBox(NULL,"SQLAllocEnv() failed","Error",MB_ICONSTOP);
goto Out1;
if (SQLAllocConnect(henv,&hdbc) != SQL_SUCCESS)
MessageBox(NULL,"SQLAllocConnect() failed","Error",MB_ICONSTOP);
goto Out2;
if (SQLConnect(hdbc,"BLOBTEST1",SQL_NTS,"",SQL_NTS,"",SQL_NTS) !=
MessageBox(NULL,"SQLConnect() failed","Error",MB_ICONSTOP);
goto Out3;
if (SQLAllocStmt(hdbc,&hstmt) != SQL_SUCCESS)
MessageBox(NULL,"SQLAllocStmt() failed","Error",MB_ICONSTOP);
goto Out4;
if (SQLPrepare(hstmt,"INSERT INTO Table1 (Field1,Field2) values
MessageBox(NULL,"SQLPrepare() failed","Error",MB_ICONSTOP);
goto Out5;
sprintf(buffer,"Calling SQLBindParameter, value = %x\n",id);
MessageBox(NULL,"SQLBindParameter() failed","Error",MB_ICONSTOP);
goto Out5;
length = SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(0);
retcode = SQLExecute(hstmt);
while (retcode == SQL_NEED_DATA)
retcode = SQLParamData(hstmt,&ret_id);
if (retcode == SQL_NEED_DATA)
sprintf(buffer,"Returned value = %x\n",(long)ret_id);
MessageBox(NULL,buffer,"Info",MB_OK); //Expected
display: 12345678. But, something like 3a175678 is displayed.
SQLPutData(hstmt,"1234567890",10); // just send
some data..
return 0;
Additional query words: mfc desktop drivers sql server driver
Keywords : kbBug kbISS
Technology : kbAudDeveloper kbODBCSearch
Version : WINDOWS:2.10b
Issue type : kbbug
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