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Q166275: HOWTO: Debug a Native Code Visual Basic Component in VC++ |
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Article: Q166275
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbusage kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB
Last Modified: 11-JAN-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, versions 5.0, 6.0
The Visual Basic 5.0 debugger allows you to debug your code at design time
before you compile it into an .exe, .dll, or .ocx. If you are debugging Visual
Basic-created COM components, you can debug them out-of-process by running
multiple projects in the same instance of Visual Basic 5.0, or by running
separate instances of Visual Basic 5.0 with the client running in one and the
COM component running in the other.
If you want to debug your components after they are compiled, you cannot use the
Visual Basic 5.0 debugger because it will only debug them at design time. To
debug a compiled Visual Basic component, you will need to use the functionality
of the Visual C++ 5.0 debugger. The following are situations when you may need
to debug a compiled Visual Basic component:
- if you are creating an ActiveX control for use in a container other than
Visual Basic 5.0.
- in an application execution environment such as Microsoft Transaction Server
where you are only allowed to run compiled .dlls.
- if you suspect your Visual Basic component is behaving differently at design
time than it is compiled.
This article explains how to do this within the Microsoft Developer Studio
environment. You will need to have Visual Basic 5.0 and Visual C++ 5.0 installed
on your development machine to follow this example.
The following steps assume that you already have a Visual Basic 5.0-created
Standard EXE (.exe), ActiveX DLL (.dll), ActiveX EXE (.exe), or ActiveX Control
(.ocx) that you want to debug.
1. In Visual Basic 5.0, open the Visual Basic project that you want to debug.
From the File menu, choose Make <YourProject>.exe. Click the Options
button and select the Compile tab. Choose Compile to Native Code and Create
Symbolic Debug Info. Then select OK, and OK again to compile your component.
2. From the Visual C++ 5.0 File menu, choose Open Workspace. In the Open
Workspace dialog, set Files of Type to All files(*.*), and then select your
compiled component.
3. Again from the Visual C++ 5.0 File menu, choose Open (not Open Workspace),
and open the Visual Basic module (.bas), form (.frm), or class (.cls) that
you want to debug. Set break points (F9), watches, step-through instructions,
etc., that you would for a normal program. You may also want to display
variable information in the debug environment by going to the Visual C++ 5.0
Tools menu, selecting Options, and then selecting the Debug tab. In the Debug
tab, place a check next to Display unicode strings.
Variables on a separate thread cannot be watched. An example would be a
background thread with an .ocx or a hidden vb background thread. Visual Basic
globals are per-apartment or single-thread, so you will not see them on the
stack if it is on another thread.
a. Standard EXE: From the Build menu in Visual C++ 5.0, select Start Debug
then Go, or press the F5 key. When your Visual Basic compiled component
reaches the line you set a breakpoint on, it will stop in Visual C++ 5.0
and allow you to perform normal debug operations.
b. ActiveX EXE, DLL, or OCX: It is a little different for DLLs in that you
have to specify an exe to debug with. To do this, from the Project menu
select Settings, and then click the Debug tab. In the Executable for debug
session text box specify the .exe file that references your .dll. Now
follow step 4a which will launch your executable and your .dll and the
Visual C++ 5.0 debugger will come up where you set the breakpoint in your
c. ActiveX DLL Running Under Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS): To set this
up, select Settings from the Visual C++ 5.0 Project menu, and then click
the Debug tab. In the Executable for debug session text box, specify
MTX.EXE. Then, in the Program arguments text box place /p:{00000000-0000-
0000-0000- 000000000000} where you would replace the 0's with the actual
MTS Package ID. The Package ID can be obtained by examining the properties
of your package in the Transaction Server Explorer. Following step 4a
above which will launch MTX.EXE and your .dll. Now run the base client
.exe that makes a call into your COM component running under MTS and the
Visual C++ 5.0 debugger will come up where you set the breakpoint in your
The following are additional notes when debugging under MTS:
1. Is the dll being called on the system path?
2. Have you accidentally re-registered your com object's dll, thereby
wiping out the MTS-alterations to the registry?
3. Might you have multiple copies of your com object's dll laying around,
and you're setting breakpoints in the one that doesn't get loaded?
4. Similarly to 3, might you have multiple copies of your non-com dll
laying around?
5. There was one seemingly very stupid trick which was that you should
copy your DLL with symbolic Information to the MTS directory and from
there add that DLL as a package to the MTS explorer. If you do not do
this, symbolic debugging inside the MTS component does not work.
Also, make sure you kill all running mtx.exe's before starting up your
copy in the debugger. When you start it up, does it run or does it
shutdown immediately? Note any event log messages logged by MTS. To
start from a safe starting point, you might want to completely delete
your application, then recreate it, reinstall your component's dll,
d. ActiveX DLL Running Under Internet Information Server (IIS): Because IIS
runs as an NT Service, you will need to give yourself permission to act as
part of the operation system. To do this, go to NT Administrative Tools
and select User Manager. If you are using User Manager for Domains in NT
Server, make sure you have selected your machine name as the Domain from
the File menu. Then, choose User Rights from the Policies menu. In the
User Rights dialog box, place a check next to Show Advanced User Rights
and select "Act as part of the operating system" from the combo box. Click
the Add button and type in "domainxxx\userxxx" in the text area, or select
your username from the listbox. Click OK and you should now have the
correct privileges. To start the debugging session in Visual C++ 5.0, go
to the Build menu, select Start Debug, then Attach to Process. Place a
check next to Show System Processes, then select inetinfo and click OK.
Now load a client .htm or .asp file that will make a call into your
ActiveX component. If you follow the directions in step 3 above, you
should now be able to walk through your Visual Basic code.
It has been noted that following the guidelines in step 4d of this
article, the breakpoint is not hit. After some tries you might find
that, in order for the breakpoint to be hit, it is necessary to load the
DLL being debugged in the Additional DLLs project settings. Moreover,
the breakpoint is not hit the first time that the HTML page is called,
unless you set the breakpoint after attach to process has been made. It
was tested under Windows NT 4.0 Workstation SP3 with Peer Web Services
and Visual Studio SP2.
Another Visual C++ feature is the ability to do cross-process and cross- machine
debugging. If you are running in a debugger and call a .dll that has debugging
info, it will automatically start another instance of the debugger and the
source so that you can debug into it.
Note that if the .exe is compiled optimized for size or speed, lines of dead code
will be compiled out of the project.
(c) Microsoft Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved.
Contributions by Jon Fowler, Microsoft Corporation
Additional query words: MTS MTX VIPER
Keywords : kbusage kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB
Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB500Search kbVB600Search kbVBA500 kbVBA600 kbVB500 kbVB600
Version : WINDOWS:5.0,6.0
Issue type : kbhowto
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