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Q174836: FIX: Problems Shutting Down When Using the Inet Control |
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Article: Q174836
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:5.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbVBp500 kbVS97sp2fix kbvbp500sp3fix
Last Modified: 11-JAN-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Control Creation Edition for Windows, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 5.0
The IDE and Visual Basic-created .exe files hang when shutting down if they have
used the Internet Transfer Control in their project.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a bug in the Microsoft products listed at the
beginning of this article. This bug has been fixed in Visual Studio 97 Service
Pack 3.
For more information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
Q170365 : INFO: Visual Studio 97 Service Packs - What, Where, and Why
For a list of the Visual Basic 5.0 bugs that were fixed in the Visual Studio 97
Service Pack 3, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge
Q175450 : INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 Fixes in Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 3
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
1. Start a new Standard EXE project. Form1 is created by default. Add the
following code:
Public Sub AddURL(ByVal sURL As String, _
Optional ByVal sTitle As String = "", _
Optional ByVal sSize As String = "", _
Optional ByVal lSizeUnit As Long = 0)
inetDownload.Execute sURL, "GET"
End Sub
2. From the Project menu, click Components, and select the Internet Transfer
Control 5.0 into the project if it is not already loaded.
3. Place an Internet Transfer Control 5.0 (Inet1) on Form1 and add the following
Private Sub Inet1_StateChanged(ByVal State As Integer)
Const lCHUNKSIZE As Long = 1024
Dim vtData As Variant ' Data variable.
Select Case State
' ... Other cases not shown.
Case icError ' 11
' In case of error, return ResponseCode and
' ResponseInfo.
vtData = Inet1.ResponseCode & ":" & _
Case icResponseCompleted ' 12
Dim strData As String: strData = ""
Dim bDone As Boolean: bDone = False
' Get first chunk.
vtData = Inet1.GetChunk(lCHUNKSIZE, icString)
Do While Not bDone
strData = strData & vtData
' Get next chunk.
vtData = Inet1.GetChunk(lCHUNKSIZE, icString)
If Len(vtData) = 0 Then
bDone = True
End If
Case icDisconnected
Debug.Print "* Disconnected"
Unload Me
End Select
End Sub
4. Add another form to your project. By default, it will be called Form2.
IMPORTANT: Make Form2 your startup form by changing the properties of the
project. Add the following code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Load form1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Unload form1
End Sub
5. Place a CommandButton (Command1) on Form2 and add the following code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
form1.AddURL ""
End Sub
6. From the Run menu, click Start (ALT, R, S), or press the F5 key to run the
program. Click the Command1 button and you will see error described above.
Keywords : kbVBp500 kbVS97sp2fix kbvbp500sp3fix
Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB500Search kbVBA500Search kbVBA500 kbVB500 kbZNotKeyword3
Version : WINDOWS:5.0
Issue type : kbbug
Solution Type : kbfix
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