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Q256847: HOWTO: Use the WNetUseConnection API to Map a Drive in VB |
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Article: Q256847
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,6.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbAPI kbVBp kbVBp400 kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbWNet kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport
Last Modified: 11-JAN-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Control Creation Edition for Windows, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 5.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Standard Edition, 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition, 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition, 32-bit, for Windows, version 4.0
This article demonstrates how to use the WNetUseConnection API function to map a
system-supplied drive letter to a network share. In addition, the
WNetCancelConnection2 API function is demonstrated to show how to disconnect a
mapped drive.
At times, it is necessary to map a drive letter to a network share. There are
several API functions that can be used to accomplish this, such as
WNetAddConnection, WNetAddConnection2, WNetAddConnection3, and
WNetUseConnection. The primary difference is that with the WNetUseConnection
function, you do not need to specify the drive letter to be used, while it is
required with the other API functions.
Steps to Create Sample
1. Create a new Standard EXE project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by
2. Add three TextBox controls to Form1 and name them "txtUNC" (without the
quotation marks), "txtUser" (without the quotation marks), and "txtPWD"
(without the quotation marks).
3. Set the PasswordChar property of txtPWD to an asterisk (*).
4. Add two CommandButtons to Form1 and set their Captions to "CONNECT" (without
the quotation marks) and "DISCONNECT" (without the quotation marks).
5. Paste the following code into the code window of Form1:
Option Explicit
Private Const NO_ERROR = 0
Private Const CONNECT_LOCALDRIVE = 256
Private Const CONNECT_REDIRECT = 128
Private MappedDrive As String
dwScope As Long
dwType As Long
dwDisplayType As Long
dwUsage As Long
lpLocalName As String
lpRemoteName As String
lpComment As String
lpProvider As String
End Type
Private Declare Function WNetUseConnection Lib "mpr.dll" _
Alias "WNetUseConnectionA" ( _
ByVal hwndOwner As Long, _
ByRef lpNetResource As NETRESOURCE, _
ByVal lpUsername As String, _
ByVal lpPassword As String, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal lpAccessName As Any, _
ByRef lpBufferSize As Long, _
ByRef lpResult As Long) _
As Long
Private Declare Function WNetCancelConnection2 Lib "mpr.dll" _
Alias "WNetCancelConnection2A" ( _
ByVal lpName As String, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
ByVal fForce As Long) _
As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim NetR As NETRESOURCE ' NetResouce structure
Dim ErrInfo As Long ' Return value from API
Dim buffer As String ' Drive letter assigned to resource
Dim bufferlen As Long ' Size of the buffer
Dim success As Long ' Additional info about API call
' Initialize the NetResouce structure
NetR.lpLocalName = vbNullString
NetR.lpRemoteName = txtUNC.Text
' Initialize the return buffer and buffer size
buffer = Space(32)
bufferlen = Len(buffer)
' Call API to map the drive
ErrInfo = WNetUseConnection(Me.hWnd, NetR, txtPWD.Text, txtUser.Text, _
CONNECT_REDIRECT, buffer, bufferlen, success)
' Check if call to API failed. According to the MSDN help, there
' are some versions of the operating system that expect the userid
' as the 3rd parameter and the password as the 4th, while other
' versions of the operating system have them in reverse order, so
' if first call to API fails, try reversing these two parameters.
If ErrInfo <> NO_ERROR Then
' Call API with userid and password switched
ErrInfo = WNetUseConnection(Me.hWnd, NetR, txtUser.Text, _
txtPWD.Text, CONNECT_REDIRECT, buffer, bufferlen, success)
End If
' Check for success
If (ErrInfo = NO_ERROR) And (success = CONNECT_LOCALDRIVE) Then
' Store the mapped drive letter for later usage
MappedDrive = Left$(buffer, InStr(1, buffer, ":"))
' Display the mapped drive letter
MsgBox "Connect Succeeded to " & MappedDrive
MsgBox "ERROR: " & Str(ErrInfo) & " - Connect Failed!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim ErrInfo As Long ' Return value from API
' Call API to disconnect the drive
ErrInfo = WNetCancelConnection2(MappedDrive, _
' Check for success
If ErrInfo = NO_ERROR Then
MsgBox "Disconnect of '" & MappedDrive & "' Succeeded"
' Clear the mapped drive letter
MappedDrive = ""
MsgBox "ERROR: " & Str(ErrInfo) & " - Disconnect Failed!"
End If
End Sub
6. Save and run the sample.
7. In the first TextBox, type the UNC path to the share you wish to map to a
drive letter (such as, \\ServerName\ShareName).
8. In the second TextBox, type your network logon name.
9. In the third TextBox, type your password.
10. Click the CONNECT button.
RESULT: Provided you have typed a valid user id, password, network share, and
have the appropriate network permissions, you should receive a message
indicating that the share was connected and the mapped drive letter is
given. You can verify the map by opening the Windows Explorer.
11. Click the DISCONNECT button.
RESULT: The mapped drive is disconnected. Again, this can be verified with
the Windows Explorer.
For additional information on creating network connections with API calls from
Visual Basic, click the article number below to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q173011 HOWTO: Add and Remove Network Connections
Additional query words:
Keywords : kbAPI kbVBp kbVBp400 kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbWNet kbGrpDSVB kbDSupport
Technology : kbVBSearch kbAudDeveloper kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2 kbVB500Search kbVB600Search kbVBA500Search kbVBA500 kbVBA600 kbVB500 kbVB600 kbVB400Search kbVB400 kbZNotKeyword3
Version : WINDOWS:4.0,5.0,6.0
Issue type : kbhowto
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