11 April 2022, Monday
- Filter: Value >= 1000000; Market Cap >= 50M
- Value Traded by Sector
- Market activity falls from last friday's trading session. From the previous traded value of PHP3.70bn, now drops to PHP3.14bn. The Holding Firms sector still ranks 1 in market activity. From rank 3 last Friday, Financials sector crossed below the Industrials and Property sectors.
- Value Traded by Stock Ticker
- $BPI, $SM, $ALI, $SCC, $ICT, and $MER lead their respective sectors. $BPI has the highest traded value (PHP261M).
- Stocks Price Change Status
- 51.06% of the total no. of filtered stocks (48 out of 94) have declined this day. $EEI has the lowest price drop with a -13.189% change. $PIZZA has the highest increase with a 5.696% change.
- Stocks Trend Status
- 53.19% of the total no. of filtered stocks (50 out of 94) are still on a downtrend. $SM still has the highest traded value among the down-trending stocks. 30.85% of the total no. of filtered stocks (29 out of 94) are on an uptrend. $BPI now has the highest traded value among the up-trending stocks. 15.96% of the stocks have no trend. $CNVRG still has the highest traded value among the 15.96%.
- YTD vs Weekly Performance
- Stocks have an average of -1.237% YTD performance higher than the previous trading session -1.899% and -1.51% Weekly performance lower than last Firday’s -0.72%. Both intersect at the quadrant 3/lagging area. $ATN has the highest YTD% performance (48.72%) among the 94 filtered stocks while $APL has the lowest (-42.50%). $NOW has the highest Weekly% performance (14.66%) while $EEI has the lowest (-16.79%).
- Momentum vs Volatility vs Trend
- Stocks have an average of 24.08 Volatility rating (low volatility) lower than las Friday’s 23.94 rating and 47.13 Momentum rating (downside momentum) higher than last Friday’s 47.06 rating. $DDMPR now has the highest volatility rating (58.30) among the 94 filtered stocks while $ABSP still has the lowest (8.30). $BC has the highest momentum rating (73.31) among the 94 filtered stocks while $EEI has the lowest (18.75).
This is strictly for educational purposes only. Nothing I publish should be interpreted as investment advice. Please do your own research. Your money, your risk.
Applications used:
- TradingView - for gathering data
- Microsoft Excel - for cleaning and transforming data
- Microsoft PowerBI - for visualizing data