- support for Neo fields (structure and content migrations)
- fixed error logging issue
- fixed source error for Entry and Asset fields
- updates for Supertable content migrations
- fixed index conflict when importing global sets
- fixed missing site group id for newly created site groups
- fixed asset transforms failing validation error
- fixed deprecation errors for content migrations
- user permission to allow content migrations for non admin users
- corrected UTF 8 encoding for content migrations
- fix Matrix block issue
- Fixed entry dates for content migrations
- Fixed invalid volume error when exporting asset fields
- Fixed null item error for custom field types
- Fixed null field error for empty content migrations
- Fixed json decoding that resulted in null migration error
- Fixed a template issue when migrations run with 'backupOnUpdate' set to 'false'
- Retrieve default site handle instead of using 'default'
- Better error reporting for Entry errors
- Fixed query table prefix error when retrieving field groups
- Fixed volume folder references in Asset and Redactor field settings
- Fixed escaping for backslashes in settings
- Deprecation errors in templates
- Null value when creating Asset Volume migration
- Exporting of Redactor field
- SuperTable field export no longer throws errors
- Removed unnecessary asset bundle for sidebar
- Field migrations for Matrix and SuperTable fixed to prevent orphaned data
- Edition check for user group permissions
- Initial release for Craft 3