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WEHI Nextflow Training


If using Visual Studio Code, the following extensions should be installed:

Setup (on the day)

  1. Open a termnial and SSH into vc7-shared
  2. Clone this repostiory to your home directory
    cd ~
    git clone
  3. Create and navigate to a run directory on your vast scratch space
    mkdir -p /vast/scratch/users/$USER/nf-training-run
    cd /vast/scratch/users/$USER/nf-training-run
  4. (Optional) start an interactive slurm session
    salloc --partition interactive --mem 8G --cpus-per-task 4 --time 2:00:00
  5. Load the nextflow module
    module load nextflow/22.04.5

A brief introduction to the Nextflow language.

Configuration of processes and software dependencies using an example RNA-seq pipeline.

Scripting with Groovy and Nextflow. Creating channels and using operators.

Work though an example pipeline calling SARS-Cov-2 variants using bwa, samtools, bcftools and then visualising with R.

Using Nextflow on Milton

  • Use screen or tmux to leave Nextflow pipelines running on vc7-shared
  • Alternatively, submit pipelines to the long slurm partition
  • Be aware of the VAST scratch deletion policy, make sure to transfer pipeline outputs to permanent storage

Additional Resources



Community Nextflow Pipelines

Getting Help