This mode is intended to be used in conjunction with the Plastic SCM Mergebot feature.
A Mergebot will trigger a CI build, which will be requested to Jenkins via a Plug. The targeted Jenkins project will need to have the Plastic SCM plugin configured in Mergebot mode. The plugin will then download the sources to the workspace, taking the required spec from a build parameter.
The Jenkins controller and its agents need to have a Plastic SCM client present in their machines or containers. You can achieve that by defining Plastic SCM as a Jenkins Global Tool. Check our External Tool Configuration guide for more information.
First of all, create a new freestyle project and select Mergebot - Plastic SCM as the Source Code Management option:
The Cleanup value will determine what to do with the Plastic SCM workspace before checking out the code. It has four possible values:
- Minimal cleanup will simply undo any changed files in the workspace directory and then run a workspace update. It's equivalent to enabling Use update in older versions.
- Standard cleanup will undo changed files and also remove any private files that might be present in the workspace directory. Ignored files aren't affected. This is the recommended setting.
- Full cleanup has the same behavior as Standard cleanup but removes ignored files as well.
- Delete workspace will remove the entire workspace contents and create a new one. Useful if you absolutely want to start every build from scratch. It might increase the build time if your workspace is big, though. It's equivalent to disabling Use update in older versions.
You can also define specific credentials to be used by Plastic SCM in the context of the job. You can select the target working mode, which can be one of these:
- Use system configuration
- Don't specify credentials for this job, rely on an existing
file in the machine.
- Don't specify credentials for this job, rely on an existing
- User & password
- If your targeted Plastic SCM Server uses Plastic SCM user/password authentication, this is the option to choose.
- LDAP / Cloud
- The appropriate choice if your targeted Plastic SCM Server is a Plastic Cloud organization or it uses LDAP as authentication provider.
Then, for User & password and LDAP / Cloud you need to specify credentials using the Jenkins Credentials API.
The easiest way for you to configure your pipeline is to use the "Pipeline script from SCM" option in the "Pipeline" section of the job configuration. This will allow you to specify the pipeline script in a Plastic SCM repository, and the plugin will take care of downloading it to the workspace before running it.
Selecting "Lightweight checkout" is recommended, as it will only download the pipeline script and not the entire repository contents.
If you use scripted pipelines, or you want to specify the pipeline script directly in the job configuration, you can
take advantage of the mergebotCheckout()
command inside the groovy script:
mergebotCheckout cleanup: '<cleanup-strategy>', credentialsId: '<credentials-id>', workingMode: '<working-mode>'
The available values for cleanup
In case you want to specify credentials, the available values for workingMode
are NONE
(default), UP
and LDAP
mergebotCheckout cleanup: 'DELETE', workingMode: 'UP', credentialsId: 'my-credentials'
mergebotCheckout cleanup: 'STANDARD'
Pipeline example:
node {
def mvnHome
stage('Preparation') { // for display purposes
// Get code from Plastic SCM as specified in the build parameters
mergebotCheckout workingMode: 'UP', credentialsId: 'my-credentials'
// Get the Maven tool.
// ** NOTE: This 'M3' Maven tool must be configured
// ** in the global configuration.
mvnHome = tool 'M3'
stage('Build') {
// Run the maven build
if (isUnix()) {
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package"
} else {
bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package/)
stage('Results') {
junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
archive 'target/*.jar'
To allow Plastic SCM to trigger builds in your Jenkins plan, be sure to check the option "Trigger builds remotely" in the "Build triggers" section of the plan configuration.
You can configure the Jenkins plug parameters from the WebAdmin. First, create a new Jenkins plug configuration:
Then, select that new configuration as the CI plug of a mergebot configuration:
At this point, the mergebot will automatically trigger Jenkins builds. You don't need to worry about this anymore!
These are the build parameters set by TrunkBot when it triggers a build. They're injected as environment variables so the build steps can use them in their processes.
Please bear in mind that only the PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_UPDATE_SPEC
value is mandatory. The rest
depend on the particular implementation of the mergebot. If you're using a custom mergebot you can
define your own build parameters.
We'll refer to the changeset being built in a given build as the "current changeset".
: the target object to check out. It can be a shelveset spec, a branch spec, a label spec or a changeset spec.- The
requires this build parameter.
- The
: the name of the user who created the current changeset.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_BRANCH_HEAD_CHANGESET_NUMBER
: the number (also known as ChangesetID) of the current changeset.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_BRANCH_HEAD_CHANGESET_GUID
: the GUID of the current changeset.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_BRANCH_NAME
: the branch name of the current changeset.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_TRUNK_HEAD_CHANGESET_NUMBER
: the target changeset number to merge the current changeset if the build is successful.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_TRUNK_HEAD_CHANGESET_GUID
: the target changeset GUID to merge the current changeset if the build is successful.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_REPSPEC
: the repository where the current changeset is stored.PLASTICSCM_MERGEBOT_TASK_NUMBER
: the issue identifier related to the branch of the current changeset.