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A Single Node

In this chapter, our goal is to implement a distributed, transactional key-value store. To make things a little more interesting, we'll make our values lists of integers, and our writes appends of integers. This data model will enable Maelstrom to perform more sophisticated safety analyses, and make it easier to debug when things go wrong. The transaction system we build will support arbitrary operations: there's nothing here which is specific to lists or appends.

Transaction Structure

The workload we'll use for this chapter is called txn-list-append. Our servers need to support a single RPC type txn, which takes an incomplete transaction (e.g. one where reads have no values) to execute, and returns the completed version of that transaction (i.e. with reads filled in).

{"type": "txn",
 "txn": a_transaction,
 "msg_id": 123}

Which returns

{"type": "txn_ok",
 "txn": that_transaction_completed,
 "in_reply_to": 123}

Each transaction is a list of micro-operations.

[op1, op2, op3]

And each micro-operation is of the form [function, key, value]:

  • ["r", 1, [3, 4, 5]] denotes a read of key 1 observing the value [3, 4, 5].
  • ["append", 1, 6] denotes appending 6 to key 1.

If we executed these operations in order, the resulting value of key 1 would be [3, 4, 5, 6].

Maelstrom can check a broad range of consistency models for this workload, but the property that we'll aim for is one of the strongest: strict serializability. Informally, this means we need to ensure two things:

  1. Transactions appear to execute in some total order, as if they had been performed one after the next.
  2. That order is consistent with the real-time order of events: if we return txn_ok for transaction T1, and a client later submits transaction T2, then T1 must appear to execute before T2.

With this in mind, let's get started!

Local State Machine

Let's start by creating a new file for our transactional server: datomic.rb. We'll follow the same approach we have in previous chapters: creating a node and calling its mainloop.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require_relative 'node.rb'

class Transactor
  attr_reader :node
  def initialize
    @node =
    @lock =
$ chmod +x datomic.rb

Now, let's fire up Maelstrom, and see what kind of messages we get from our workload.

./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --log-stderr --node-count 1
INFO [2021-02-26 10:01:36,788] n3 stderr - maelstrom.process /home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:120:in `block in main!': No handler for {:dest=>"n3", :body=>{:txn=>[["r", 9, nil], ["r", 8, nil]], :type=>"txn", :msg_id=>1}, :src=>"c14", :id=>14} (RuntimeError)

Right, so we're going to need a handler for the txn message type. Let's add one. We'll just... send back exactly the same transaction we got, without doing anything to it. See what happens.

    @node.on 'txn' do |msg|
      txn = msg[:body][:txn]
      @node.log "\nTxn: #{txn}"
      @node.reply! msg, type: "txn_ok", txn: txn
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --log-stderr --node-count 1
INFO [2021-02-26 10:04:41,678] n3 stderr - maelstrom.process Txn: [["append", 9, 13], ["r", 7, nil]]

OK, so there's a transaction with two operations: an append and a read. We're going to need something that can go through and apply those micro-ops to our state. How did this test run end, anyway?

 :workload {:valid? false,
            :anomaly-types (:internal),
            :anomalies {:internal ({:op {:type :ok,
                                         :f :txn,
                                         :value [[:append 9 6]
                                                 [:r 9 nil]],
                                         :time 3361561215,
                                         :process 3,
                                         :index 35},
                                    :mop [:r 9 nil],
                                    :expected [... 6]}
                                   {:op {:type :ok,
                                         :f :txn,
                                         :value [[:append 9 12]
                                                 [:r 9 nil]],
                                         :time 5249106084,
                                         :process 0,
                                         :index 53},
                                    :mop [:r 9 nil],
                                    :expected [... 12]}
                                   {:op {:type :ok,
                                         :f :txn,
                                         :value [[:append 9 16]
                                                 [:r 9 nil]],
                                         :time 9097287963,
                                         :process 4,
                                         :index 87},
                                    :mop [:r 9 nil],
                                    :expected [... 16]})},
            :not #{:read-atomic},
            :also-not #{:ROLA
 :valid? false}

Analysis invalid! (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

OK, neat! So this is not strict-serializable. But it's also not a bunch of other things--in particular, this history wasn't even read-atomic. We know that because it exhibited internal consistency violations--anomalies within the scope of a single transaction. For example, we executed:

                                   {:op {:type :ok,
                                         :f :txn,
                                         :value [[:append 9 6]
                                                 [:r 9 nil]],
                                         :time 3361561215,
                                         :process 3,
                                         :index 35},
                                    :mop [:r 9 nil],
                                    :expected [... 6]}

This transaction appended 6 to key 9, and then read key 9, and observed its state to be... nil. That's got to be wrong! In particular, the micro-op (mop) [:r 9 nil] was invalid: it should have seen some kind of list ending in a 6. This happened because we didn't actually do any kind of read: we just returned the transaction exactly as it arrived, with all read values left nil.

So, we're going to need state. Local state, to start; we'll worry about sharing it between nodes later. Let's create a state class to store our state. Inside, we'll store a mutable hashmap of keys to values.

class State
  def initialize
    @state = {}

Next we need a method, State.transact!, that can execute a transaction, mutating State, and returning a completed version of that transaction with the values of any reads. We'll run through the transaction's operations sequentially.

  def transact!(txn)
    txn2 = []
    txn.each do |op|
      f, k, v = op
      case f
      when 'r'
        txn2 << [f, k, (@state[k] or [])]
      when 'append'
        txn2 << op
        list = (@state[k] or [])
        list << v
        @state[k] = list

Now we can create a State object in our Transactor, and use its transact! method to update the state and produce a resulting transaction.

class Transactor
  attr_reader :node

  def initialize
    @node =
    @lock =
    @state =

    @node.on 'txn' do |msg|
      txn = msg[:body][:txn]
      @node.log "\nTxn: #{txn}"
      txn2 = @lock.synchronize do
        @state.transact! txn
      @node.reply! msg, type: "txn_ok", txn: txn2
./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 1
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

Our code actually contains a bug. Can you guess what it might be? Let's try upping the number of concurrent clients, the request rate, and running for a tad longer:

$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 30 --node-count 1 --concurrency 10n --rate 100
 :workload {:valid? false,
            :anomaly-types (:internal),
            :anomalies {:internal ({:op {:type :ok,
                                         :f :txn,
                                         :value [[:r
                                                  [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]]
                                                 [:append 9 6]
                                                 [:append 9 7]
                                                  [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]]],
                                         :time 56728387,
                                         :process 8,
                                         :index 13},
                                    :mop [:r 9 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]],

Well THAT'S neat! A single transaction executed a read of key 9, observing [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]. It then appended 6 and 7 to key 9, and read... [1 2 3 4 5 6 7] again. Did we fail to append values? Or somehow read them from the future? Let's look at the full history for key 9:

$ cat store/latest/history.txt | grep :ok | egrep --color '(append|r) 9 '
8	:ok	:txn	[[:r 6 nil] [:append 9 1] [:append 9 2]]
0	:ok	:txn	[[:append 7 1] [:r 8 nil] [:r 9 [1 2]]]
1	:ok	:txn	[[:r 7 [1]] [:append 9 3]]
9	:ok	:txn	[[:append 9 4] [:r 9 [1 2 3 4]]]
3	:ok	:txn	[[:r 9 [1 2 3 4]] [:r 7 [1]] [:r 7 [1]] [:r 8 nil]]
0	:ok	:txn	[[:r 9 [1 2 3 4 5]] [:r 6 nil] [:append 9 5]]
8	:ok	:txn	[[:r 9 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]] [:append 9 6] [:append 9 7] [:r 9 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]]]

This actually happened several times--and every time, we saw a value that was theoretically appended later in the history. We've been bitten by mutability!

class State
  def transact!(txn)
      when 'append'
        txn2 << op
        list = (@state[k] or [])
        list << v
        @state[k] = list

This instruction list << v mutates list in-place, which changes its value in every read of that key. We actually want to construct a copy of the array instead.

      when 'append'
        txn2 << op
        list = (@state[k].clone or [])
        list << v
        @state[k] = list
$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 30 --node-count 1 --concurrency 10n --rate 100
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

Excellent. What happens when we add more nodes?

$ ./maelstrom test -w txn-list-append --bin datomic.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 2
            :not #{:read-atomic :read-committed},
            :also-not #{:ROLA

Well at least we don't have any internal consistency anomalies, but we're still not read-atomic, or read-committed, for that matter. Why? Because we observed incompatible orders.

                        :incompatible-order ({:key 7,
                                              :values [[3 4] [1 2]]}
                                             {:key 9,
                                              :values [[4 5 7]
                                                       [1 2 3]]}
                                             {:key 10,
                                              :values [[8] [1]]}
                                             {:key 8,
                                              :values [[3 4] [1 2 5]]})},

At various points in the history, a read of key 7 returned the values [3 4], but also [1 2]. That can't possibly be true, if there actually were a single list for key 7, and we only appended to it. And indeed, there isn't a single key 7 any more: we have a completely different state on each node. What we need to do is share that state somehow.

Next: Shared State.