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Unidirectional data flow rocks!
Introducing Redux, Cubits and Blocs.

These are the slides and code of a talk I have given on several occasions.


In software development, small projects are quite different from large apps. As the scope gets bigger and functionality is added, quick solutions that worked before might create bugs later, state management can become complex and logic and UI changes are difficult to implement as requirements change.

Flutter knows many state management patterns, several of which use a concept known as unidirectional data flow. This technique helps make the flow of data throughout your application structured, predictable and reproducible.

In this talk, we'll discuss the advantages of state management patterns that use unidirectional data flow and how Redux and Bloc use this to their advantage.


  • Flutter
  • State Management
  • Data Architecture
  • Functional Programming
  • Redux
  • Bloc (and Cubits)
