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Bridge Management Logistics

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bridge-logistics-app e2e-bridge-logistics-app

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This application uses event sourcing to serve the logistics for a bridge management system. This is what in general this project is responsible for

  1. Count passengers going through a bridge
  2. Register transport type
  3. Register merchandise before crossing the bridge
  4. Register events per configured range area
  5. Inform trains of the train Schedule changes

Passengers are registered by numbers and if they carry extra merchandise or a bike Transport can be a train, bus, boat, bike, truck, etc. Merchandise should be registered if it's destined to commercial exchanges. Events can be anything that may happen in a configured range around the bridge

  1. For passengers, a development area will be created called PCS(Passenger Control Service).
  2. For merchandise, a development area will be created called MCS(Merchandise Control Service).
  3. For bridge timetables and ranges, a development area will be created called DCS(Domain Control Service).
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A detective case

I have created an investigation Game. It's not a difficult one to solve. Basic math will get you through to find the thief.

A passenger unsuspectingly travelling in a train carrying a leather suitcase with an old 5Kg computer filled with classified information has had its bag stolen. The suspect jumps off the train while it passes through a connecting bridge In the far we see a person in a parachute falling down through the air into a boat which catches this person a moves away The passenger, a special agent keeps their cover and worries if this secret spy will ever be caught

You, the player are responsible for finding the secret spy! 🕵️‍ 🔍


  1. Go to PostgresSQL database on schema bllogistics in table trains_log. Filter by check_in_out='CHECKIN' or check_in_out='CHECKOUT'
    1. You will find two carriages with different weights at CHECKIN and at CHECKOUT.
    2. On carriage has a weight reduction of two people.
    3. This is because, while passing through the bridge, the spy takes the bag from the special agent and run to the next carriage.
    4. The special agent follows the spy and chases the spy.
    5. In another carriage, there is an increase in weight, but just for the special agent
    6. The secret spy has escaped through the toilet's window and with precision jumped off the bridge in a parachute.
  2. Calculate the difference in weight
  3. Go to Cassandra database on keyspace readings in table passengers. Filter by the weight you find. These are the suspects
  4. If you only have one suspect. Then congratulations you have found the secret agent who stole the bag.
  5. Type your answer in the following format firstName + + lastName

Note that the story I’ve created is purely fictional. Any similarity between events and the characters generated and the locations described is purely coincidental. It is practically impossible to make a random scenario that doesn’t have anything in common with anyone’s personal life. This is the reason why it is so important that the reader of this article understands that. This is also the reason why all the names in this exercise are automatically randomly generated, precisely to reduce the possibility of such similarities to occur. You DO NEED to generate the names first. By running file, you will find 4 files in the passengers folder. In this file, you will find automatically generated names. If you want to make this more fun you can add your own chosen names. Just remember that each line must be a single name.


Docker Images

  1. bl-central-server: The central server containing all centralized data
    1. bl-central-cassandra - Cassandra database image (Contains calculated and dynamic data)
    2. bl-central-psql - Postgres database image (Contains static information about passengers, vehicles, trains and bridges)
    3. bl-central-streaming - RabbitMQ strams for train, vehicle and bridge
    4. kafka - A kafka streaming engine. It creates topics TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, WINDSPEED, WINDDIRECTION, PASSENGER. It is centralized to take data from the bridge and the moving train. Two brokers make use of ports 9092 and 9093.


  1. bl-central-server: The central server containing all centralized data
    1. bl-domain-repository - Java domain model to use in the different Java processes. Contains all the PostgreSQL database model DAO's


  1. bl-central-server: The central server containing all centralized data
    1. bl-merchandise-data-collector - Java service responsible for collecting merchandise info and sending it through RabbitMQ to the centralized services.
    2. bl-sensor-data-collector - Java service responsible for collecting check-in and check-out data from trains entering and leaving the bridge and sending it through RabbitMQ to the centralized services.
    3. bl-passengers-readings-service - Scala service responsible for collecting passenger data from the Kafka (via the train) streams and sending it to cassandra
    4. bl-meters-readings-service - Scala service responsible for collecting meter data from the Kafka (via the bridge) streams and sending it to cassandra
    5. bl-web-app - Java service which checks if the bridge is open for vehicle crossing. It is open in port 9000
    6. bl-web-ui - Angular (?) - For future visualizations - Check for details about Roadmap to version 3.0.0

  1. bl-bridge-server: A server installed on each bridge
    1. bl-bridge-humidity-mqtt - Node JS - Receives humidity readings from the mosquitto broker on port 1883 and sends it to Kafka via the HUMIDITY topic
    2. bl-bridge-temperature-coap - Node JS - Receives temperature readings from a COAP protocol port 5683 and sends it to Kafka via the TEMPERATURE topic
    3. mosquitto - A simple mosquitto broker with bare minimal configuration and authentication turned off. Opens port 1883 for the bl-bridge-humidity-mqtt service
    4. rabbitmq - The federated RabbitMQ service connecting to the central RabbitMQ services

  1. bl-train-server: A server installed on each train
    1. rabbitmq: RabbitMQ - RabbitMQ to send sensor information about train checking in and out of the bridge

  1. bl-demo-server: This server ensures that a simulated train passes through the bridge. It will use all different container ports to execute the simulation and create a different case everytime the simulation is run.

How to quickly start

Make sure you have enough resources and that you are running Docker desktop:

  1. At least 6Gb available memory
  2. At least 8 cores
  3. At least 5Gb to 10Gb of free diskspace

Please check the Makefile and make sure you understand the available options before calling them.

This whole demo is quite a heavy example to run. Because it can be difficult to run, given the amount of resources consumed, I have made a Checkups guide and an example Guide file. Please read through them before running the demo.

Walk through

In order to make it easy to understand this example, I've made a Walkthrough document. This is intended to help understand the basic goal of this example.


  1. Trains go over static bridges which are mostly open. They can be closed for exceptional reasons.
  2. When trains go over bridge, we need to know how long the whole train took to cross it.
  3. We also need to know the complete weight being passed across the bridge in regard to merchandise.
  4. We aso need to know the complete weight being passed across the bridge in regard to people.
  5. The exact number of people will be an approximation and will be a result from a triangulation of passing through heat sensors and light sensors.
  6. Timetables and merchandise exchanges will be done via RabbitMQ.
  7. Sensor information will be sent via Kafka.
  8. People data will be sent via Kafka Streams.
  9. All Kafka streamed information will be handled via Apache Spark.
  10. Bridge opening times are subject to conflict detection. Upon detecting one conflict between opening times. The bridge remains closed until the conflict becomes resolved.
  11. Conflict registration changes state but never gets removed

Installation Notes

To run this demo, you only need to have a docker engine installed or something that comes with it like Docker Desktop. Further you need JDK 11 and JDK 16. This demo has been tested using SDK-MAN Java SDK version 16.0.1.hs-adpt:

sdk install 11.0.11.hs-adpt
sdk use 11.0.11.hs-adpt
sdk install java 16.0.1.hs-adpt
sdk use java 16.0.1.hs-adpt

Use Java 16 as the default. You'll only need Java 11 for the Kafka Readers. If you want to install everything locally without the help of containers then please check help file Further Documentation is available at the wiki.

Install python libraries:

pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper

Install virtualenv:

virtualenv venv --python=python3.7
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install requests
pip3 install pika
pip3 install kafka-python
pip3 install aiocoap
pip3 install mqtt
pip3 install paho-mqtt
pip3 install asyncio
pip3 install distlib
pip3 install --upgrade pip

Exit virtualenv:


Review Logs

Follow the updates on the ReviewLogs file.

Author notes

I hope you enjoyed the article and that you were able to start this demo. I try my best to make these demos run as smoothly as possible. This is why I actually invite you to open an issue on this repo, should you run into difficulties running this demo, playing the game or even if you just have some suggestions for improvement. Note that while a version is ongoing as of now with 2.0.0., there are constant changes until an official tagged release.


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